Chapter 5

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Haley knocked on the classroom door, thrice, hard. When we heard footsteps, we exchanged a look, and she snickered. She thought this was rebellious; being late. The door was ripped open, and there stood an old man, looking very angry. He had a hard face, almost like a shell, trying to keep people out. His expression looked murderous, like he'd murder us on the spot just for being ten minutes late. I had to go to the bathroom before going to class. Steam could pop out of this teacher's ears any second now.

But then he smiled.

A warm smile.

Haley and I exchanged an odd glance before Professor Cheston welcomed us, ushering us inside. I could already smell the plants before I could see them. Plants outlined the classroom. But, of course it did, since this classroom was right next to the greenhouse. Plants, plants, plants. I spotted Neville next to Luna, focusing on the leaf of a plant.

"Welcome Miss Weasley, and Miss Shagwood. Take a seat, take a seat."

There were no two vacant seats that were side by side. One was on the left side of the class, and the other on the right. It was dramatic, really, but we both parted ways. Unfortunately, I had to sit by Sam. He flashed me his million dollar grin the moment I was seated. I rolled my eyes, slowly, to show him I wasn't interested, and paid attention at what was happening at the front of the class.

Professor Cheston didn't really say anything. Normally he'd just dance around the class with a plant pot in his hand like a hippy, while the rest of us copied the notes off the chalk board. He moved over by Pansy Parkinson, and danced around her chair. Her friends laughed at her, while she looked very tempted to stick her foot out and trip Cheston fair on his bottom. He then moved over to Luna Lovegood, and waved his hands around the air as he danced around. Luna copied his hand movements with a dreamy smile on her face. Cheston hopped and bounced around Seamus's desk, Seamus giving him an odd look. Then he came down to my desk, danced around it, and flipped my hair all over the place, making a big mess of it.

"He's lost it, right?" Sam said from beside me, a confused look on his face as he stared down at Professor Cheston spinning around the chalk board, singing to a flower pot.

"There's something we can agree on," I replied, also staring down at the odd Professor.

"You know," Sam said, "I'm not so bad once you get to know me."

I huffed softly, and continued to take notes of how much of a loony our new Herbology teacher was. "There's something we'll never agree on. I don't like you like that, okay?"

Sam waved his arms around dramatically, groaning. "I'm not saying you have to like me like that, I'm saying we could actually be friends if you'd just give me a chance."

"I'm not a toy, Sam," I grumbled, not once glancing his way. "You can't just play around with me. I'm human, just like you."

Sam sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose, stating his frustration. I almost smirked. Perhaps I could act in such a way for him not to hit on me all the time. He couldn't just go around, hit on every girl he see's, get them to somehow agree on sleeping with him, and then just ignore them the next day. I knew how Samuel worked, he couldn't manipulate me or make me feel sorry for him. "Just, listen, alright? Hear me out."

"Go on," I said carelessly, not lifting my eyes up from my parchment.

"I'm meeting Richard in the Slytherin Common Room tonight at ten to play some games, eat junk food, talk, tell jokes, test prank prod--"

I shut my eyes and shook my head shortly before shooting Samuel a glare.

"I'm.not.interested," I gritted, and scribbled anything away on the parchment I stared down at. Truth is, I hated herbology. I knew absolutely nothing about it.

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