Chapter 2

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Pic on side is Haley (Sara Paxton)

The Great Hall was so full this year. With at least twenty students who were supposed to graduate last year, it was one hell of a crowd. Haley finally managed to squeeze in beside me. Professor McGonagall, who was now the Headmistress of the school, finally took notice of the small amount of space in the Great Hall, and waved her wand over it, expanding it. I could finally breathe easily now, and you could even hear everyone else breathing and sighing in relief. The first years were just about finished being sorted. 

It was odd now. I'd been so used to seeing Professor Dumbledore in that throne. I could still picture him in that seat, that generous smile of his looking around at everybody. The image faded. Professor McGonagall was generously smiling at everybody now. Food appeared on the table, and I could hear all the first years gasping in awe, their eyes bigger than their tummy. I began piling anything random on my plate. 

Last year was awful with Professor Snape in charge. I get, now that it'd been explained to me, why he'd been a horrible Headmaster, but it was still just awful. Deatheaters roamed every corner, and only let us have a small amount of food at meal times. One time, there was a first year who had his plate filled with just the right amount of food, and a deatheater walked up behind him and shoved his face in the plate until he was choking. A girl in my year had to smack his back to stop him from suffocating. I couldn't have even imagined how life was for Draco Malfoy, the way his eyes were telling me. 

But then again, why should I care? He's never cared that my family were poor, that we had to use old robes, and old broomsticks, old books, old everything. We never ate any fancy food like he and his family probably did. The fanciest thing I'd ever been to was Bill and Fleurs wedding, until it got ruined. 

"Oh, my god. Ginny," I heard Haley squeal quietly. Her eyes were popping out of her head and she had a huge grin spread across her face. 

"What?" I asked quickly. I was getting worried. Haley laughed at my expression and then pointed to the end of the table.

"Samuel Hathaway," she said excitedly. "He was totally checking you out."

Samuel Hathaway was one of those pretty boys who knew they could get practically any girl in bed. No matter how pretty one of those boys were, I was never attracted to any of them. Not even Samuel Hathaway. He didn't fight in the war. He probably stayed home with his parents and pigged out on popcorn and watched films all night while people were dying trying to save and protect Hogwarts. 

I shrugged and stirred my spoon in my food, not caring. Samuel had never noticed me before, why was he suddenly noticing me now? He probably didn't even know my name. He probably didn't even know I was the younger sister of the now famous Ronald Weasley. "So?" I asked carelessly. 

Haley stared back at me in disbelief, and I smirked. "Are you not even the tiniest bit interested in him? Look at him. He's gorgeous, right? Picture this. Sam Hathaway and Haley Shagwood facing each other in fancy clothing. A priest behind them reading out the words of the bible, but neither of the two cared. They just stared into each others eyes with so much love, picturing every small detail. The two of them kissing, and soon Haley Shagwood turned into a Haley Hathaway. Haley Hathaway. Picture that. Haley Hathaway."

"I'd rather not," I laughed. "You sure are a dreamer, aren't you?"

Haley pouted and sighed. Her eyes stared back at me with such jealousy. "A girl can dream. What about, Ginny Hathaway? Yeah, I quite like th--"

"No," I cut in. "Don't even say that. That's disgusting."

Haley's jaw dropped. I laughed at her, she looked so gobsmacked. Why was it a shocker that a poor girl like myself could turn down a handsome rich boy like Samuel Hathaway? He probably wasn't even interested in me the way I wanted someone to be. He probably wasn't interested in me the way I wanted Harry Potter to be. 

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