Chapter 26

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Ginny kept trying to catch Draco's eye at dinner that evening in the great hall. But he didn't even look up; he just stared down at his food, taking small bites. The look on his face broke Ginny's heart, and she had felt silly that entire day for even thinking of letting Draco listen to that howler. 

"Eat, Ginny," Haley said, snapping her fingers in front of Ginny's face. She leaned forward, a sad look on her face, which looked most definitely forced. "Don't forget that Draco and I are still together."

Ginny frowned, knowing that Draco had no feelings whatsoever toward Haley. "Does Draco know that?"

"Of course he does!" Haley exclaimed in disbelief, shaking her head slightly. "That is why we're together, silly."

Ginny didn't reply to that. Instead, she frowned and continued eating her meal in silence, listening to her friends converse. 

That weekend, Ginny trained harder with her team mates for the upcoming Quidditch match – anything to get her mind set off Draco. That was all Draco seemed to be doing; overtaking her thoughts and leaving her completely unfocused.

"Watch it, Weasley!" Chelsea shouted just as a bludger missed Ginny by an inch. There was Ginny's point – she couldn't even avoid bludgers as well as she used to.

But aside from Molly Weasley's nasty howler, Ginny knew she had something else to do. She needed to tell Draco that Haley had some sick belief that he and she were a couple. It was always clear in Draco's eyes that he understood that Haley was not a faithful person. Ginny knew she'd be faithful had she been in Haley's place. She wanted to be.

When Ginny finally caught the snitch, Samuel gave the signal that practice was over, and Ginny flew down in relief, sweat taking over her dry skin. She walked into the changing rooms to dry herself off when a wave of déjà-vu swept in and caught her right in the chest. Running her fingers along the wall she'd been once been backed into, she thought back to the time Draco had captured her in a kiss for the very first time.

She wished it could be easy. Having certain feelings for somebody should have been, but unlucky for her, her and Draco's parents had never gotten along. Their mothers, possibly. But not their fathers, and Ginny's father would definitely disapprove of the two the most.

"Ginny?" a soft feminine voice cut into Ginny's thoughts, causing her heart to thump and her feet to whirl around in surprise. It was only Katie much to Ginny's relief. "Uh, Malfoy is outside. Says he's not leaving till he sees you."

And here Ginny was thinking he would have avoided her. Ginny didn't waste any time hearing whatever Katie had to say afterwards and swept out of the changing rooms. The familiar set of platinum blonde hair came into view and the butterflies had already formed and she couldn't even see his face yet, just the back of his head.


Draco turned around quickly, his eyes wider than they usually were.

"Ginny – there's something I've got to show you."

"No, no! Before you say anything, I need to show you something first before something else cuts me off again," Ginny said in a hurry, breathlessly, and didn't listen to what Draco had to say as she had ran back into the changing rooms past a confused Katie, rummaged through her things, got what she needed, and met Draco back outside. She squared out the envelope in her hands and pulled a letter out. Draco watched curiously as Ginny held out the letter for him to read. "It's my brothers. They know."

Draco's gulp was loud enough for Ginny to hear, and she watched as Draco read Ron's letter. Harry and Hermione were dashed in there, too. They were all disappointed and wanted to know what kind of medication she was taking.

"They...they know about..."

"Yeah," Ginny swallowed regrettably, a frown formed on Draco's face. "What is it you wanted to show me, then? Did somebody do something again or —"

"No, no, nothing like that," Draco said quickly and pulled a letter out of his pocket, too. "Today is the first today that I received my very first letter from the famous Harry Potter."

Ginny nearly jumped out of her knickers at these words and lunged for the letter in Draco's hands, nearly knocking him to his feet. "What!?"

"He approves – he's about the only one that does. He knows I'm not a bad bloke and he doesn't mind about us."

Ginny skimmed through the letter in about two seconds before she launched herself onto Draco, engulfing him in a tight hug. She wasn't hugging him because of the letter, she was hugging him merely out of her own content about him not avoiding her and rushing off again.

"I hate it when you walk away from me," Ginny mumbled into the crook his neck, gripping him tighter than before.

The feeling of Draco's arms wrapping themselves around Ginny's midback filled her with joy.



"You really do stink at the moment, do you think maybe you could —"

The loud crack of thunder over the rough patch of grey sky cut Draco off in an instant, and a bucket of rain poured down heavily. Ginny unwrapped herself from Draco and stared up at the sky, wondering where the sudden change in whether had come from. It was sunny not too long ago. Ginny wondered whether the gods were against the pair, too. Noticing Draco's dumbstruck expression, Ginny let out an unexpected laugh, which Draco had stared at her in disbelief. 

"What are you on about?" he asked loudly over the rain, searching Ginny's eyes. 

"Nothing," Ginny smiled when she had quieted down. "You're just...the look on your face was adorable."

Draco let out a soft huff and a slight smile formed on his lips, and he glanced down at the ground before looking right into Ginny's eyes. He took a step closer, Ginny having not noticed that the pair had separated by a lot due to the distraction of the rain. Ginny gulped at the look she was receiving from Draco. She felt his light finger tips drag themselves across her forehead, moving the wet hair that was stuck against it, and he tucked it behind her ear. 

His lips were pressed against hers before she could even react, and she gripped Draco's shirt to bring him closer. The kiss, mixed with harsh downpour, went on for minutes, and Ginny was the only brave one to deepen it whilst Draco stroked Ginny's hair down her back, until he finally reached the back of her pants and slipped his hand into her pocket. Ginny was confused by this, but continued as though it hadn't happened. As though sharing the same thought, Draco and Ginny pulled away, fearing that Katie Bell would walk out of the changing rooms and catch the two in the act. 

Draco left Ginny to return to the changing rooms to get rid of her Quidditch uniform. Ginny was confused when she noticed the changing rooms were empty, which meant Katie must have slipped past her and Draco when they were...talking. Ginny didn't mind, though; she trusted Katie enough to know that she didn't gossip unless she got the story straight. 

Reaching for her back pocket, Ginny felt her fingers brush against a folded paper, and she pulled it out and quickly opened it. She recognised Draco's handwriting, and smiled instantly.

'Want to make it official?'

But then she frowned. She'd forgotted to talk to Draco about Haley.

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