Chapter One

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After making a living as a streamer,  Ash decided to move away from her home state of Vermont where she had been living alone with her mama for almost fifteen years. They weren't on the best terms and her mother gave her the ultimatum that if she wanted to continue streaming  Ash would have to move as mama thought that streaming was not a viable option for a career. So Ash packed her bags and moved to Florida, knowing that she would have bigger and better opportunities there. She hadn't spoken to her mama since she left a year ago.

Ash had been sitting at her desk deep in thought. A discord call brought her back to her seat in her Florida apartment where she sat staring at the 'Go Live' button, she quickly flips tabs to discord and answers the call.

"Hey, Clay," Ash greets, leaning back in her chair.

"Hello," Ash can hear his smile over the call.

"Are you going to be hanging out with me on stream for a bit?" She asks, sitting forward in her chair, shifting her position.

"For a bit, I promised the boys to hang out a bit later," Clay explains.

"Cool cool, I think I'm going to try speedrunning again," Ash mutters, starting up her Minecraft.

"Want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Sure, movie at my place?"

"That works with me as long as you make some of that poggers pizza again," Clay chuckles.

"You're such a Minecraft Youtuber it hurts sometimes," Ash giggles. She takes a deep breath, fixing her hair even though she didn't use a face cam before speaking again. "Give me a couple of minutes I'm going on deafen to start her stream." She changes her title to 'Speedrunning pog (ft. whoever shows up)' before pressing start stream.

As soon as she started she put up her starting soon screen and music which happened to be 'Reminsincing Night' by Jordy Chandra.

While the song was coming to an end, Ash started thanking subs, resubs, primes, bits, and donos. "What's up, Chat? It's Wojtek, (pronounced Vore-tec) today we're going to hang out with the green man for a bit while I speedrun and we'll see if any others pop in vc," Ash greets and changes her screen to her Minecraft start screen. She undeafens and greets Dream. Before starting the run she names the world 'hardened clay' as per the request of a dono. Long story short it was a shit spawn and was ditched within a minute.

Clay hung out for about an hour Ranboo had hopped in the vc at some point before Clay left and they talked about how they did lore together and future plans.

"I'm sorry for overtaking your stream to talk about lore," Ranboo apologizes just after Clay left.

Ash smiles, taking her attention away from collecting the cobblestone. "Oh don't worry about it, I, believe it or not, find your lore incredibly interesting and I enjoy your lore streams immensely," Ash admits before crafting a full set of stone tools.

"Wojtek likes my lore, poggers," Ranboo chuckles. "So why haven't you joined the Dream SMP?"

Ash lets out a noncommittal noise before continuing on with the conversation in a different way. Ash could join whenever she wanted, in fact, multiple friends had asked why she hadn't. She just had no ideas what she wanted to do with her lore so she put off joining.

"I've actually been meaning to ask you about your name," Ranboo mutters after a while of different conversations.

"What about it?" She asks.

"Well it's not English from the spelling and I've been trying to figure out how it relates to you," Ranboo explains.

"NO!" Ash shouts, putting her head in her hands as she gets bodied by blazes.

"You died?"

"Maybe," Ash sighs.

"So the story behind your name? I've been interested in it for a while and I couldn't find an explanation. Wilbur or Tubbo told me it was Polish, though, that's all I really know."

"I've mentioned it once or twice but like I didn't have too many followers or viewers at the time," Ash explained.

"Well up to the age of four I lived in Poland with my mamo and tata (polish for dad) (pronounced as spelled) and my tata used to tell me stories about a bear called Wojtek," Ash explains. She pauses a moment taking a deep breath before looking over at Chat's reaction to her story so far. "Well, I loved that bear and more so I loved that story so when I moved to the Americas with my mamo she used to call me her little Wojtek."

"What's the story of Wojtek?"

"Well the bear was raised from a cub by Polish soldiers during World War II and he just really like taking showers, which I found oddly wholesome," Ash explained with a smile spreading across her face as she recounts the fond memories of her father.

She sighs bringing herself back to the present before looking over at chat, which was filled with awws or as Tommy would put, she's farming awwws, other messages were asking why she left Poland amongst other questions.

"Chat wants to know why you moved," Ranboo points out.

"From what my mamo has told me after my father passed we moved to America because she was hoping a good opportunity, as my mother was German and not Polish," Ash explained. Her eyebrows furrow as her phone starts to vibrate in her pocket, she paused her speed run as it was a shit world anyway. "Hey, Boo, entertain my chat for a minute, I'm getting a call from my mamo," Ash explains as Ranboo agrees to entertain she mutes her mic while turning her screen to BRB.

She picks up the call as she steps out of her room. "Hello, Mamo?"

A voice that definitely wasn't her mother's coming through her phone. "Hello is this Popiół Nowak? (pronounced: popule novak)"

"Who are you and why do you have my mamo's phone?" Ash asks, calmly even though there was an undertone of anger.

"Miss Nowak, will you please calm down? If you're not currently sitting, would you take a seat, please," the female voice asks, her voice was wavering ever so slightly as if she were holding back a large outburst of emotion.

Ash takes a deep breath in and out as she's practiced previously. She decides against taking a seat. "Ok, hit me."

"Your mother has passed away and her final wish was for you to take care of your little sister," the woman explains.


[1,105 words]

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How will Ash deal with this news? 

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