Chapter Eight

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A week later, she'd only streamed three times that week, which wasn't a lot for her, and she was emotionally and physically tired. She hasn't been talking to anyone outside of streaming too exhausted to interact with people.

She knew her phone was blowing up with notifications from her friends who were worried about her. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes as her emotional exhaustion took over her as Evelyn screamed out her little lungs. Ash didn't know what she could do to help calm her down or what she hadn't already tried. She's reaching the edge of her rope and she can feel it. She slide down the wall to the

The next thing she knows is she sees Clay squatting down in front of her. He picks up Evelyn and walks down the hall to what she assumes is the nursery. Ash feels like she can't hear anything and she feels numb. The tears that had been threatening to spill down her face, had started to fall. She let out the sobs she'd been holding back. She was tired and she couldn't hold back her emotions anymore. The next thing she knows, Clay is back in her sight and she feels herself being lifted off the ground.

She's laid down on her bed, being hugged Clay, who laid down beside her, holding her to his chest. He was rubbing soothing circles into her back, telling her everything would be okay and that's how she fell asleep.

She wakes up to Evelyn crying, only god knows how long later. She sighs looking around her room and realizes that Clay, being there, must have been a dream. She gets up out of bed and opens her door to head to the nursery when she realizes Evelyn had stopped crying.

That confused her so she rushed down to the nursery and there in Evelyn's room stood Clay. She walks up behind him and hugs his back and mutters a small thank you into his back before placing a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Ash cries into his back.

Clay places Evelyn in her crib and turns to face. "You should go back to bed," Clay mutters, pulling her into a hug.

Ash looks up at him, tears still glistening in her eyes and says, "as long as you join me."

"Of course, Po," Clay says, leading her back down the hall back towards her room. He lays down, opening his arms, inviting her to lay down, which she gladly took, laying down beside him, facing his chest. He wraps his arms around her pulling her close.

She hadn't felt this at home since she'd be living at home in Poland with her mama and dad. Home. Lying here in Clay's arms all could feel as if she was at home and she couldn't feel more centered then in this moment.

She woke up a couple of hours later and Clay was sitting in the living room playing with Evie. "You're really good with her," Ash says, taking a seat beside him.

"What can I say, Nick said I am Daddy Dream," Clay smirks, looking at her.

"God, I hate that," Ash laughs, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Tired already?" Clay chuckles.

"No, just enjoying this moment."

"Please don't do that to me again or any of our friends, they were worried about you."

"You weren't?"

"I was worried sick, actually."

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again in the future."

"Move in with me?" Clay asks, looking over at Ash, as she lifts her head off his shoulder.

"That's.... abrupt," She says, slowly. "What brought this on?"

"I was so worried about you this week because I hadn't heard anything from you outside of your streams. Then when I showed up here I saw you sobbing and looking on the verge of a panic attack and that was heartbreaking. Also, I would be able to help you Evelyn and with all the charges with your mom's bills," Clay starts rambling.

"I wouldn't ask you to help me take on Evelyn because she's my sister and my responsibility," Ash says, cutting off his ramble.

"I wouldn't offer it if I didn't think I could help you take this on, please, at least consider my offer. You'd also be able to stream more normally. And emotional support and you're my friend," Clay continues rambling.

"I'll.. I'll think about it," Ash says, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you, I was very nervous about asking you," Clay mutters.

"Want me to make poggers pizza and maybe play a game or watch a movie or something?"

"Sure, I'd love some poggers pizza and what if we record a Minecraft challenge, so we don't have to worry too much about people catching on to Evie," Clay suggests.

"I'd be down, your channel or mine?"

"It can be for yours."

"That'd be very poggers," Ash says, standing up, she kisses his head before heading into the kitchen.

After the pizza is done, Clay places Evelyn in her swing as they sit on the couch eating pizza and watching a cartoon. When they finish eating, they clean up and move Evelyn to Ash's room and she launches her Minecraft and preps her recording.

"I was thinking maybe I control the mouse and you control the keyboard, so it's like your siamese challenge but irl," Ash explains.

"How would we do that?" Clay asks, tilting his head at her seat. Her only seat.

"We could try sitting side by side," Ash suggests.

"You and I both know that won't work," Clay says, raising an eyebrow.

"I know," Ash mutters. "Take a seat then." Clay doesn't say anything before taking a seat. "Are you ok with this?" Ash says, standing in front of him, looking at him still.

"I wouldn't be sitting if I wasn't ok with it," Clay smirks, causing Ash to blush before taking a seat. She starts her recording and tries to speedrun at first, they got some shit worlds other times they got decent worlds but more communication was needed in the beginning. Near the end, they beat the game at an hour twenty-two minutes and sixteen seconds later. She closed her video asking people to subscribe and like it as it is free.

After she was out of Wojtek mode, she couldn't help the blush spread across her face when the gravity of the situation hit her. She'd been sitting on Clay's lap and she thanks whatever god that's out there that she or Clay doesn't do a face cam.

"The videos over you know," Clay whispers right into her ear a shiver makes up her back.

"I realize." Clay brings a hand to the side of her face, tilting her head to face him. His eyes flick down to her lips. Clay leans forward ever so slightly. Ash lifts her hand, placing it on his lips. He leans back almost immediately. "I'm sorry, did I misread the situation?"

"No no no... I really liked you," Ash reassures. "I've been thinking a lot lately and this past week proves that taking care of Evelyn is harder than I thought. It also made me realize I have too much on my plate right now, no matter how much I want to kiss you and explore wherever our relationship would be going," Ash starts to explain, putting her forehead on his shoulder.

"Part of a relationship is being able to help each other, let me help you carry some of the things on your plate, I really like you too and I want the chance to explore this relationship with you," Clay mutters, rubbing small circles on her back. "Could we give it a try?"

It was at that moment that Evelyn decided to interrupt their moment again. Ash pulls herself off his lap, unbuckles Evelyn before lifting her out of the swing. "I would love to try this out," Ash says, kissing his cheek before leaving her room to fix up Evelyn's bottle.


[1,355 words]

so yep a potential moving

Will Ash take Clay up on his offer?

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