Chapter Twelve

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Ash woke up in Clay's embrace to Evelyn crying. "Clay," Ash mutters, shifting in his grasp.

"Hmmm?" Clay breaths out into her neck where he'd been comfortable laying.

"I have to get Eve and..." she pauses, snuggling her face closer to his chest, "I said I was going to be sleeping in the other room, remember?"

"Lemme get Eve, you stay here," he says, unwrapping himself from Ash.

"I feel bad, you're taking care of my sister and I'm taking over your bed that's unfair," Ash mumbles, moving to get out of bed. Before her feet could touch the floor, Clay had his arms wrapped around her torso and his face in the crook of her neck.

"Darling, I offered to get Eve and I love that you're sleeping in my bed," he mutters, sleep still deep from not being used.

"I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you though," she says, putting her chin to her chest.

"If taking care of Eve means you'll sleep beside you, then I will not hesitate to take care of her," he mutters. "But I think we should get her on sleep schedule."

"That sounds pretty good actually, it would be great to sleep through the night," Ash sighs.

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes," Clay mutters, kissing her cheek before unwrapping his arms from behind. He scooches off the bed before padding out of the room. She laid back down putting her head on the pillow. She can hear when Eve stops crying. She smiled as she felt Patches jump on the bed and tucked herself in between Ash's legs and torso.

She is so god damn lucky to have such an amazing guy like Clay that she could barely believe it. She was on the verge of falling asleep when she felt Clay crawl in bed beside her. He pulls her close to his chest. "She's all good now, good night. Love you," he mutters into her hair sleepily. She smiles as she slips into sleep.

The same couldn't be said for Clay, he was now wide awake. He told her that he loves her. Is it too early? Were they even official yet? Will she even remember it in the morning? He pulls her closer and enjoys her presence. He couldn't help the feeling in his chest just him and his girls. There is no one else besides their small family and he could only hope he could cherish these moments.

Clay woke up the next morning to Ash wiggling, trying to get out of his embrace. "Five more minutes," he mumbles, pulling her close.

"But Evelyn is crying," She says, retrying to get out of his hold.

"Fine," he sighs, letting her go. Once he lets go he can hear calling out to Eve letting her know that she was on her way. He was able to hear Eve stop crying but he couldn't hear her talking to the baby anymore. Stupid soundproofing, he loved watching her interact with Eve.

He drags himself out of bed with a yawn. He stretches and rubs the sleep from his eyes before leaving the room. He enters the guest room and walks up behind Ash pulling her into a hug.

"Clayyy," she pouts, rubbing Eve's back.

"What's the matter, darling?"

"I have to feed her and I can't really do that when you're hugging me," She sighs, leaning her head against his chest.

He doesn't reply he just sighs and lets her go. She stands up on her tiptoes before placing a peck on his lip, making a grin spread across his face as she walks down the hall towards the kitchen. Clay stands in the guest room, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. "Damn this girl," he mutters to himself before following her out of the room.

She feeds Evelyn as he makes breakfast for the two of them. After she's fed, Ash placings Eve's swing in the kitchen and they sit at the island and eat. They talk to one another about random things along with some plans for the upcoming week, every once in a while Evelyn would make noises at them so they coo at her.

This lowkey moment felt like pure bliss and both the adults couldn't help but live in the moment. But all good moments come to an end.


[732 words]

Thank you for your patience in waiting for this next chapter. Had to figure out how I wanted to write upcoming plotlines and work on my mental health. Have a great day! 

When will this good moment come to an end? And how will it come to an end?

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