Chapter 2: How much it hurts

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I couldn't quite recall how much I cried that night, when my parents finally signed the divorce papers.

It feels surreal how a piece of paper had that kind of power to seal their fate apart.

On the next morning, I went down and saw that a lot of boxes and luggages were being placed inside a moving truck. I also noticed that my father is getting ready to leave.

Honestly, his reason wasn't enough for me to understand why he chose to destroy our seemingly, perfect family. I couldn't fight off the bitterness forming inside my heart.

I'm starting to wonder, did he really care about me at all?

As I looked at him right now, he suddenly felt like a stranger. I couldn't find any traces left of the caring, and devoted father that I once knew and loved.

After what felt like hours, my father became aware of my presence and turned to look at me. Unlike my expectation, his stare is full of gentleness, but it didn't make up for all the pain he caused me and my mother.

"My dear Hayun, come here." He gestured me to go near him, but I didn't budge. He took a deep breathe and he came to me instead. "I know it's hard to understand, but I hope you could forgive me. Just because things didn't work out for your mother and I, doesn't mean that I love you any less. Always remember that."

Those words sounded like a lie to me, but I didn't say anything. I didn't have the courage to tell him how angry I am with him, and how betrayed I felt because of our situation.

"You wouldn't understand it right now, but I know that someday, you will." He added after I didn't respond to him.

I really hope I could learn to understand and accept it too. Otherwise, I'll just hate him forever.

"Mr. Im, are you ready to go?" The driver asked him. My father nodded, and let me go reluctantly.

At that moment, I believed that if I tried, I still have a chance to stop him from leaving. I was hopeful that we would be complete and happy again, if I succeed.

With the very little strength I have in me, I chased after him and hugged him tight. The tears I'm holding back suddenly fell, and I started sobbing.

"Dad, please don't leave us. We love you so much." I pleaded. "I don't want to grow up without a father. I can't do it. I really can't, please."

He turned around and looked at me with those teary eyes. I smiled. Finally, I was able to change his mind.

"I'm so sorry, Hayun. But I have to." Those were his last words before he finally left our house for good.

That's my first heartbreak, and my own father is the reason behind it.

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