Chapter 24

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(TW sensitive topics ahead, such as forced kissing but nothing further)
Kirito's Pov
We were almost where the helicopter was last "uhhh Kirito?" Renly tapped my shoulder, I nodded to signal for him to talk "is the back supposed to smoke like that?" He asked, I turned around to see that the tail of the helicopter was on fire "oh shit!" I put the helicopter into auto pilot and got out of my seat "we're gonna have to jump out!" I grabbed two parachutes and gave one to Renly. "How do I use this?!" Renly asked, I told him how to use it quickly "alright you go first!" I yelled, he nodded and jumped out, I watched as he fell "it's not working!!" He yelled, I could barely hear him though, I quickly jumped out after him, I dived down to help him. When I got to Renly I grabbed him bridal style and let out the parachute "uhhh, thankyou for saving me" Renly said, I nodded "it's no problem, you saved me first I'm just returning the favour" I said, we landed and I put him down. He brushed himself off and smiled at me "now which way do we go?" He asked, I grabbed the map and compass that I grabbed from the helicopter "this way" I pointed at where we were going.

Eugeo's Pov
Tsuki was explaining what they know so far "we think that the real Kirito may still be on the turtle, if that's so then we need to save him once we prove this one is the fake" Tsuki explained, I nodded "so who do you think this Kirito will be going for first?" I asked, Tsuki sighed "well at first we thought it would be you, but…. Its too obvious he need to be smart, sure nobody would suspect Kirito to kill you but if people are a bit suspicious of Kirito killing you would give him away" Tsuki explained, Ojo thought "maybe Yui, one why would he kill Yui first and two Yui is the only one able to confirm he's the fake" Ojo said, Tsuki nodded "yes but that's a motive Ojo, so the answer to why would he kill Yui is because Yui can confirm he's fake" Tsuki mentioned, Ojo sighed "your right" I thought about it "maybe Klein? He has no reason to kill Klein" I said, Tsuki nodded "yeah but we can't be sure…. Lets just try to keep an eye on Kirito, if he tries anything we will know" she said, we all nodded in agreement. Asuna opened the door "hey guys, you should get some sleep, its Kirito's turn to keep watch tonight" Asuna said smiling, we all looked at eachother, Yui started to say something in sign language "Yui says she'll keep an eye on him" I whispered to the others, they nodded and we all went to our separate rooms.

Time Skip
Kirito's Pov
Me and Renly were walking to the secret house me and Tsuki got, Renly was a really nice person, a bit awkward at times "hey Kirito?" He said, I looked at him "yeah?" I asked "how-.... how are you so brave?" He asked, I thought for a second "well, the truth is…. I'm scared all the time" I admit, Renly gave me a confused look "what do you mean?" He asked, I giggled "I mean, I'm not at all brave, the reason I fight is because I'm scared…. I'm scared that the people I love will die if I don't fight…. I find that fear isn't a bad thing, it's more like a real life super power, when your scared you run faster and fight harder for your life and the lives of the people around you" I explained, Renly looked shocked, not in a bad way, in a good way. He looked down thinking "I guess…. You have a point…. Thankyou, Kirito" he smiled at me, I returned the smiled "its ok to be scared, just use your fear in the best way you possibly can" I said, he nodded and pointed forward "now go get your omega" he said, I looked at where he was pointing, it was the house "Eugeo…." I looked at Renly and hugged him "thankyou for helping me" I said, he returned the hug "no problem, you helped me too" Renly said. We let go of eachother and Renly nodded "lets go" he said, we both ran towards the house.

Eugeo's Pov
I lay in bed staring at the roof, I couldn't sleep. "Eugeo?" I looked towards the door and Kirito was standing there, I smiled "hey Kirito, seen anything?" I asked, Kirito nodded "just a cute blonde" he chuckled, I looked away from him sadly, this is the fake Kirito, nothing he says is real and that hurts. Kirito looked me up and down "are you Eugeo?" He asked, I nodded and sat up in the bed, Kirito sat in front of me on the bed "you sure? You seem sad" he said, I moved back away from him a bit out of instinct, I was now sitting against the headboard of the bed, he's not my alpha. Kirito sighed "I should've known" he said, his voice changed into one of a predators, I tensed up as I looked down at my lap "you of all people would have had figured it out eventually" he got closer to me, he lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, I was scared, very scared. I looked away from him again so he grabbed my face and made me look at him "don't look away from me!" He yelled, I was now shaking, he smiled and moved his face closer to mine. I shook my head "n-no…. Get off me!" I yelled, I tried to push him away, he grabbed out a knife and put it to my throat while pushing me back against the headboard "feisty…. That'll get you killed" he said, I started to tear up "p-please…. Don't" I whispered, Alice opened the door "Kirito?! We had a deal!" She yelled, Kirito threw the knife at her and she fell to the ground "I lied" he said, he faced me and he put his hand around my throat to keep me from moving "now where were we?"

Kirito's Pov
The door is locked "figures" I looked up at the house and a window was open "I think you should wait out here till I open the door ok?" I said to Renly, he nodded. I climbed up the house and to the window, I got inside and looked around, there was a girl with blue hair on the ground, it looks like she's been knocked out "who are you?" I whispered, I lifted her into my arms and walked over to a nearby couch, she opened her eyes as I placed her down, her eyes widened and she pushed me away "shhh its ok, I'm the real one" I whispered, she stopped and grabbed a note pad, she wrote something down and gave it to me "what is the name of Tsuki's little sister?" I looked at the little girl confused "Akari, but why do you want to know?" I asked, the little girl smiled and hugged me, she let me go and wrote something else, she gave me the note "it's me Yui, I had to know it was you Daddy" I smiled "Yui" I hugged her. The moment was interrupted by a scream "No! Get away from me!!" The voice was familiar, I got up and ran to the source knowing who it was. I got into a hallway and looked around "stop!" They yelled again. I quickly opened the door that the screaming was coming from, I saw my clone and Eugeo on a bed, my clone was kissing Eugeo while Eugeo was crying and trying to push him away, I grabbed my clones shirt and pulled him away from Eugeo, he fell off the bed as I glared down at him "don't. Touch. Eugeo." I said in an angry voice. He looked up at me smiling devilishly "so you're here, welcome Kirito" he giggled, Eugeo looked at me shocked "Kirito?..." I looked back at him, he was shaking a lot as tears fell down his face, my heart shattered at the sight. He reached his hand out to me, I complied and took his hand, he smiled and pulled me onto the bed with him "Kirito! It's you! The real you…." He cried into my shoulder, the fake Kirito had stood up and was walking towards us "I don't think so" Tsuki grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall, Ojo who was already sitting on the ground against the wall put a knife against his throat while still sitting next to him, Tsuki grabbed a knife and cut my clones cheek a bit "there if he has a cut that's the fake" Tsuki said, she dropped the knife in shock "what is it?" Ojo asked "he's….bleeding" Tsuki answered, my looked at the other me "how? we're both clones" I said, we all looked at eachother confused, Tsuki picked up the knife again and walked over to me and Eugeo. Eugeo saw her and flinched when he saw the knife "it's ok Eugeo I won't touch you" Tsuki reassured, she grabbed my hand and gently pricked it with the tip of her knife. My hand started to bleed "how is this possible?" I asked. Eugeo looked at my hand curiously, he put his hand out to Tsuki "try me" he whispered, Tsuki hesitated but did so, Eugeo started to bleed as well "K-Kirito…." I looked at where the voice came from and Alice was on the ground with a knife in her chest "Alice!" Eugeo yelled, Tsuki sat down next to her and pulled the knife out "get Asuna and the first aid kit!" Tsuki yelled, Ojo nodded after finishing tying up the other me. She ran into the hallway to get Asuna, I still held onto Eugeo. I kissed his forehead and held him in a protective way, I remembered what Alice did, she just left me there to die but I won't let her die in return.

(Ok this time Kirito is actually back, my boys have been reunited😢)

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