Chapter 46

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Renly's Pov
The healers struggled to heal Eugeo for a while since he wouldn't let anyone but me touch him but he's been healed now, the doctor was looking at some tests that they took for Eugeo, Kirito was out talking to Eolyne, probably because we disobeyed Eolyne's strict orders, Eugeo was lying in a bed in the healing tent, I was sitting with him on the bed, he had his head rested in my lap, I gently played with Eugeo's hair while I waited for the doctor to give us the results. I haven't really had a chance to think about what happened before Eugeo got kidnapped, I'm now one of Kirito's omega's, officially, I wonder what Eugeo said to Kirito to get him to do it. The doctor came back into the tent "our tests show.....he was pregnant" the doctor said, his voice was sympathetic, my eyes widened, Eugeo whimpered a bit and hid his face under the thin sheets "he of course has now lost that baby.....and I regret to inform you.....he is no longer able to carry a child" the doctor explained, I looked down at Eugeo again, I feel so sorry for him, the doctor then continued to explain all of Eugeo's other injuries "so, we have healed him mostly, although the wound from that knife that they kept in there won't fully heal for a for trauma.....he may take a while to be back to how he was before, from what we can tell, he went through something extremely traumatic, I will be leaving now" the doctor left. Eugeo cried into the sheets, I didn't know what to say, Kirigaya really wants Kirito to suffer that much? I stared at Eugeo for a moment, if Kirito is going to try and kill Kirigaya I want to be apart of it, Eugeo means a lot to me and Kirigaya hurt much that Eugeo can't even look at his alpha.....

Kirito's Pov
"Why would you go against strict orders?!" Eolyne yelled, we were currently having a small fight about me going to save Eugeo despite being told not to "because I can't just leave my omega to die!! Even if there is just that small chance he was alive I will take it!!" I yelled back, Akari was just standing beside me "I hate to say it Commander but I agree with Kirito, if there is even a small chance that one of our soldiers are alive, we need to take it" she finally spoke up, I nodded din agreement, Eolyne sighed "fine, I'll let it slide this time, now get out, I have to prepare for the next wave" Eolyne demanded, Akari and I left his tent "thankyou Akari" I said, she shook her head "don't mention should go check on your omega's, just maybe don't try to touch Eugeo or you could visit them when he is asleep" Akari then walked away. I began to walk to the healing tent, I opened it and peeked in, Renly noticed "oh, Kirito don't worry Eugeo has finally fallen to sleep" he reassured, I walked into the tent and up to them, Renly looked down "we got the results from the test...." he mumbled, I sat down in the chair next to them and looked at Eugeo's tear stained face, I then looked at Renly "what type of injuries should I know about?" I asked, he went quiet for a second "I- I'm sorry....e-Eugeo was pregnant" he explained, my eyes widened, I got Eugeo pregnant, in any normal case I would be happy but.....he was just kidnapped by Kirigaya "h-he lost the Baby.....and now.....he is unable to carry a child" Renly added, tears filled my eyes, Kirigaya would go this far? Just how sick is he? sick am I? Renly broke my thoughts by wiping my tears away, I looked at him again "I'm sorry Kirito....." he whispered, I shook my head "you shouldn't be sorry's not your fault" I replied, Renly looked at Eugeo.

Akari's Pov
I went back to my tent, I had to come up with a strategy for my part of the army when the next wave hits, I sat at my desk and began working "maybe if we work with some of the snipers we could make sure nobody surrounds us...." I mumbled, I was so tired, I haven't slept in days. I gently rested my head on the table, a small nap won't hurt right? "Just....a small nap" I mumbled, I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Eolyne's Pov
I felt like I should apologise, Akari went to get those two all by herself because she cares and I just yell at them, I'll apologise to Kirito later, he's probably gone to see his omega's. I stood up from my desk and left the tent, I walked to Akari's tent "hello?" I asked, nobody answered, I opened the tent and looked around, I saw Akari with her head rested on the table, it looked like she was sleeping, how long has it been since she slept last? I thought for a moment, she probably hasn't slept in days knowing Akari, honestly this kid. I walked over to her, I didn't want to wake her but she will wake up with a headache if she stays here, I lifted her up into my arms bridal style, I walked over to her bed and gently placed her down, I tucked her under the blankets "take better care of yourself kid" I whispered, I looked at her for a moment, I smiled a bit and left the tent, I saw Ojo standing outside "oh hey Eolyne, is Akari busy?" She asked, I shook my head "she's asleep, I would suggest you let her be, she hasn't slept in days" I answered, Ojo nodded, she went quiet for a moment "umm, I wanted to thank you, Eolyne" she said, I gave her a confused look "thank me? For what?" I asked, she laughed a bit "for looking after my daughter while I was gone, she was only a child and you took her in, in a way" she explained, I didn't really know what to say "Akari told me about all that you've done for her, she's very grateful for yeah, I just wanted to thank you" Ojo then walked away, I looked back at Akari's tent, I smiled and walked back to my tent.

Kirito's Pov
Renly and I were just talking now, trying to get our minds off what happened to Eugeo, it looked like Renly was deep in thought "what's wrong?" I asked, Renly looked at me "I was just....I wanted to talk to you about what happened before Eugeo got kidnapped....we never did get the chance" he answered, I was confused for a moment then realised what he was talking about "w-well, I'm perfectly ok with it but if your not than Eugeo said something about a way to undo it" I explained, Renly sighed "so that's what Eugeo said to convince you...." he mumbled, I was confused "that's not true, even to this day there is no way to reverse it" he explained, I sighed "of course Eugeo would make something up to save a friends life" I mumbled, I smiled slightly "a-also....don't worry I'm fine with it....other than Haru.....there is no one else I would rather choose to be my alpha" Renly admitted shyly, I looked at him a bit shocked, my cheeks went a bit red "u-um, thankyou" I replied, Renly looked at me for a second, he sighed and leaned closer to me, he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, once he pulled away he looked down, my smile widened a bit, there was now a bit of an awkward silence, Eugeo started to move around a bit "I should go.....I don't want to scare Eugeo" I stood up and left the tent, once outside I had a small chance to think as I walked to my tent, he wouldn't choose anyone else? Why does that make me feel so happy? I felt my cheek, I laughed a bit, I wonder how much confidence Renly had to use to kiss my cheek? I made it back to my tent.

Renly's Pov
Oh my Stacia!! Why did I do that?! Stupid! I can't actually be in love with Kirito, I mean he's funny, charming, brave, kind, pretty and.....wait "oh no..." I mumbled, Ojo was right!! How is she right so often?!?! Why did I have to fall for him and not just him. I looked down at Eugeo, he was slowly starting to wake up, he's so kind, helpful, pretty, shy at times and cute!!! I covered my face with my hands, why is now the time that I realise? I uncovered my face a looked at Eugeo again, he had his eyes opened and he was staring up at me "a-are you ok?" He asked, I nodded and smiled sweetly "yeah, don't worry Eugeo" I pat his head gently, he made a small smile and relaxed a bit "your really cute sometimes Renly....especially when your blushing....." he mumbled, I wasn't sure if he was completely awake yet, I turned even more red if that's possible, Eugeo sat up "h-hey, be careful now" I said worried for him, I tried to help him, he shook his head "I'm fine....." he mumbled, I nodded and calmed down a bit, we stayed quiet for a moment " are you feeling?" I asked, he looked down "well.....happy that you saved me.....upset about what happened.....and guilty because I probably hurt Kirito" he answered, I sighed "look....Kirito is willing to wait as long as it takes for you to heal, he doesn't want you to push yourself ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder gently, he nodded "I do miss him.....but right now every time I look at Kirito all I see is Kirigaya....." he explained, I just listened quietly "every time I see him I start to panic and I can't control that....but I want to hug Kirito again, I miss him" Eugeo started to sob, I thought for a moment "what if you can't see him....but you can hear him and hug him?" I asked, Eugeo looked confused, I giggled a bit "I mean, what if we maybe blindfold you so you can't see Kirito.....since you miss hugging him and being with him but you can't look at him without panicking" I explained, I thought more, although he might still get scared "I guess we could try it....but I want you to be there incase I do panic....cause it's likely that I will still get scared but I still want to try it" he agreed, I nodded "well, we will ask the doctor what he thinks first, incase he feels that it is unsafe" I pat Eugeo's head, he smiled "thankyou Renly" he pulled me into a hug, he winced in pain a bit "Eugeo, I told you to be careful...." I mumbled, he just stayed there hugging me, I hugged back.

Kirito's Pov
I was sitting on my bed in my tent, just thinking about stuff, Eolyne walked in, he bowed slightly "I apologise for yelling earlier, I now understand if I had agreed to your plan to get Eugeo, perhaps we would have gotten there sooner and Eugeo may have still had the Baby" he apologised, I sighed "your apology is accepted.....but I wanted to asked you something" I turned to face him, he stood up straight "yes?" He asked "what is Akari to you and I don't mean it in a are you two dating kind of way because your obviously not dating, your quite a lot older than she is" I asked, Eolyne thought for a moment "well.....I'm not sure, I've never really thought about it" he admitted, I nodded "well, to me you two look like father and daughter, you treat her like she is your own child.....if that helps" I said, he smiled a bit "have a good night Kirito" he left the tent.

Kirigaya's Pov
I hope Kirito is ready for what comes next, who am I kidding? He can't possibly be ready for this....

(What is Kirigaya planning next? Who knows😏🍵)

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