The Cafe

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-Same day-
|Eren's POV|
12:05 p.m.

I hate school. It's only lunch break and I'm already fed up with this shit. The lunch line is huge, the cafeteria is crowded, and all the noise makes me feel like I have a migraine.

"Fuck." I muttered as I held my head. It was pounding like crazy. Probably from the lack of sleep. It's not like I was excited for the first day shit, I just grew accustomed to my messed up sleep schedule and stayed up too late last night.

I'm sitting with Mikasa and Armin as usual, it was known that us three always sit together. Not my choice. Mikasa is clingy as hell and won't sit with anyone else. Armin just likes to stay close with people he's comfortable with which I get. I'm kinda the same way as well.

I look across the room to see if I can find some familiar faces and once I do, I observe. Annie is sitting at a table with Reiner and Bertholdt while two empty seats are waiting to be occupied.

Normally Ymir and Historia sit with them, but to my surprise, they were sitting with Sasha, Connie, and Marco. That left only Jean and Y/N missing from the group. Not surprised. They are always always.

Did it piss me off a bit? Maybe, but what can I do? Y/N never acknowledges me so why should I try to be with her? I'll only get shut down and I'm not in the mood for that.. nor will I ever be.

Mikasa started talking to us, but my attention was somewhere else. Y/N just walked into the cafeteria. Unfortunately, Jean was with her with his arm around her shoulder. I started to become even more annoyed.

I knew that they weren't dating because of Jeans petty crush on Mikasa, but I couldn't help myself from feeling jealous. I wanted to cling to Y/N and wrap my arm around her. I just wanted to spend time with her, but apparently that's too much to ask for in life.

"Right Eren?" I snapped out of my trance to look to Mikasa.

"Huh- what..oh yeah, right." Mikasa looked pissed. She was asking about who knows what and I did not want to talk to her. She looked in the direction of Y/N and her expression darkened even more. Mikasa has hated Y/N for a while now. It was hard not to notice her obvious hatred for her, but I never actually found out why.

Every time someone tried to bring up the relationship, she would change topics and not answer the questions. It was a mystery to us all.

Mikasa looked back at me with a glare and started to sound more bitter. Yup, she was pissed.

"As I was saying, we are still going to study together after school, right Eren?" She questioned. I forgot agreeing to that.. it was the first day and Mikasa already wants to study because it will apparently help us to learn stuff now that we are still going to be learning throughout the semester. It was stupid, but I already agreed earlier.

"Sure." I said, obviously not happy about it in my tone. Mikasa rolled her eyes in return and got up to throw away her left over food. Me and Armin did the same and we walked out of the cafeteria.

It was now 12:34 p.m. so we still had another 25 minutes before our lunch break was over. We walked through the halls for about 10 seconds before we heard a loud barging sound.

I turned around to see Jean running through the doors, but to my surprise and anguish, there was no Y/N with him.

"Mikasa wait!" He shouted trying to get her attention. She turned around with a bored look on her face.

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