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You gently put your phone down on your plush bed, trying to maintain composure and not scream your heart out.

You were not 'in love' with Eren Jaeger. You didn't even know if you liked him romantically, but you couldn't deny that feelings were sort of developing. The thought of him liking you crossed your mind, but you didn't want to get your hopes up.

Jean always comments that you are pretty and all that jazz, but he obviously doesn't like you romantically. You were really just confused and hoped that Eren won't be another Jean situation. It's almost like you have trauma from Jean..

As you started to regain consciousness, you realized that you were still in your school clothes which are not really comfortable. You got up straight away to shower and change into some pjs as it is almost 8:00 p.m. and you felt so refreshed.

You and Eren had gone to your house straight after school and you weren't gonna change and then have him in his uncomfortable clothes. That just wouldn't be fair, so the two of you endured and now here you are in your comfy clothes.

You went and washed your face with some face wash and brushed your teeth, applying moisturizer and lip chap once you were done. This was your nightly routine as you try to stay on a schedule, though you can't deny that some days are more difficult than others.

You brushed your damp hair and then proceeded to go lay down in your bed. Your door creaked open and you looked down to see a wandering Sena, looking for attention. You called him and patted your bed to which he responded to and came up with you. He got comfortable on your legs and laid his head down to rest. This was a usual thing to happen so you were comfortable as well.

As you scrolled through different social media apps, you found yourself wandering over to Instagram more times than usual. Honestly, you were kind of hoping Eren would text you, it was just so fun to talk to him. Not a lot of people message you, so it's not like you have tons of people to talk to.

Normally your friends are out doing something on warm nights like this, but you only have so much energy for social gatherings, and school takes up 90% of that energy.

Eren was different, though. Sure it's only been a short while since you've started talking to him, but you've never found yourself being exhausted with him. Well, not in the sense that you don't want to talk to him that is. It was nice. He was nice.

You started to realize that you think about Eren too much, but you didn't really care. If a crush was to form, you couldn't say you would hate that. You have been trying for a while to get over Jean anyways, maybe being with Eren could help. Actually, it's been helping.

As you were hoping he would text you, a different thought came to mind. One that you never thought would cross your mind. Something a bit out of your comfort zone, but then again, Eren's kinda the one who started this idea.

You headed over to google translate and typed 'you're cute', cringing at the action, but desperately wanting to start a conversation with him..even though you two were just talking an hour ago.

You headed over to Instagram with your translation copied and opened up your chat with him.


| du bist süß |

You felt nervous sending that to him, but you wanted to be more outgoing. You now understood how Eren felt when he wouldn't tell you what the phrase meant, it's a bit nerve racking wondering how the person will react. You're kind of glad he said it the way he did because you almost appreciate it more that he was so nervous about how you would feel meaning he meant it. You also got to have more of a meaningful reaction whereas if you were infront of him you would have to try and keep your cool. All in all, it turned out perfect.

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