Self Defence

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-September 8, 2018-
|Y/n's POV|
1:35 p.m.

Boredom overcame you as you sat in your 3rd period class. It was now the fourth day of your senior year and it was time to actually learn stuff..boring.

You had 4 classes a day so that meant you only had one more to go which was P.E. You did ok in it, but it was never your favourite class. The teacher was Mr. Zacharias. He's chill and doesn't really care if you do good or bad. He was kind of full of himself though, but it didn't really affect his teaching style.

Some girls fan girl over him because he is good looking for a 40 year old, which was true. He was well built and tall, what most girls like and he also had a bit of facial hair that complemented his complexion. You weren't interested in him, but you weren't going to deny his good looks.

A loud ringing could be heard from the hallway that signifies class is over. You were relieved to be taken away from such agony that was history class and immediately left the room. You walked towards the locker room to change into your gym clothes with all the other girls.

As you changed, you met up with your friends and you walked to class together. Mr. Zacharias led your class to the room that you would be in use for today and once everyone was there he began to explain what was happening.

"Alright class. Now that everyone is here, we will begin. Today is the day that we learn about self defence. It is important for you, especially the ladies, to know how to defend yourself. I will be pairing you guys up into groups of 2 and you will have to defend yourself against each other. With this being said, I am NOT giving you permission to beat up your opponent or even hurt them. You are simply just defending yourself with moves and skill. Before we begin, there is a short 7 minute video I would like to show you on self defence. Any questions?" No one raised their hand so he continued.

"Great now look at the screen and pay attention." We did as we were told and he played the video.

After the video was done, he led us outside where we saw a bunch of different ribbons that were held on the ground to signify boundaries. They were shaped in a square so that we know not to step over or get out of the 'ring'. It was actually a good thing because then everyone has their own space and you could choose where you wanted to be. This meant you didn't have to be anywhere near Mikasa which gave you some relief.

A whistle noise was heard and everyone drew their attention to Mr. Zacharias. He pulled out a white board and passed it around to everyone to see who they were paired with. You looked for your name to see that you were paired with Annie and you two went and chose your area.

Of course it was as far away from Mikasa as possible. She was versing Ymir who also was pretty strong herself. It would be an interesting match, but you were pretty sure everyone here knows who's gonna win.

As you and Annie sparred, it was evident that she didn't really care for the whole thing. She was barely even trying. Annie may be small, but you knew how much strength she held. She's told you all kinds of stories of how she fought people back when she lived in Marley. You wished more than anything that you could've been there to see at least one because from what she told you, they were pretty epic.

In the end, you won against her from her lack of participation. You weren't surprised though, she never really took anything seriously, she looked so bored all the time.

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