The Team

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You smiled at your phone from the texts from Eren. Were you still embarrassed about the locker room incident? Yes. But life goes on.

You continued to eat as you payed more attention to your show considering you missed a big chunk of it from texting Eren, but as crazy as this is to say, you'd rather text him anyway.

Hours had passed and you were still laying lazily on the couch. Your eyelids started to become heavy from staring at the big screen for a long time, but you fought the urge to sleep. There was nothing you were really staying awake for, but a part of you wanted to see your mom.

In all honesty, it had been a few days since you had seen her. She always comes home around 9 and you were normally asleep by 8:30. Yes, it is an early time to sleep, but sleep is very important to you. You also wanted to ask her about getting groceries tomorrow. It was Friday so she would get off work early as she never works weekends.

With it being only 7:46 p.m. you didn't expect to hear the door click open with your mother entering. She had her work bag in hand as a tired sigh exited her mouth. She closed the door behind her and greeted your cat as he was right at the door to see her. She set her stuff down and sat in a chair at the table. She still hadn't noticed you and you honestly wondered how long it would take for her to. This was a usual thing.

"Hey mom." You greeted. She jolted in her chair as she didn't expect to see you downstairs.

"Y/n, sweetie! You scared me." She held her hand over her beating heart and smiled sweetly at you after she recovered from the scare.

"Sorry," you apologized, but you did wonder why she was home at this hour. "How come you're home so early?" You questioned.

"Oh! My boss let me go early today as I have to go in this weekend and do some overtime." You weren't exactly happy to hear this. This meant that you weren't going to see her all weekend.

"Oh.." was all you replied with. You didn't bother to hide the disappointment in your voice as you kind of wanted her to notice it.

She looked at you for a second before sighing and rubbing her face with her hand. "I'm sorry Y/N..I never mean to leave you here alone all the time. I-it's just I gotta keep my good reputation at work and I've got all this paperwork I gotta do because my boss just signed a deal with another company and.." you stopped paying attention to her ramble. It's not like you wanted to just be mean and not pay attention, it's just that you kinda zoned out.

"Y/n?" Your name being called brought you back to your senses.

"Hm- sorry what?" You asked. You honestly had no clue what she said or what it was about.

She looked at you with an empathetic look, obviously feeling sorry for the absence of herself in your life. "I'll tell you what," you became intrigued as you knew she was going to make an offer. "After I finish this weekend, me and you can go on a little trip, hm? Just the two of us." Her face seemed to be lit even though you could see right through the mask that she was exhausted.

On a trip? Where would we even go?

"Um..ok mom. That sounds nice." Your face became brighter like hers as you realized this meant you could finally spend time with someone.

Sure you had your friends to hang out with, but nothing beats time with parents. Especially when that is rare.

"So it's settled! Me and you will go on a little mother-daughter trip!" You really didn't know how your mom could be like this when you know she is just aching to pass out sleeping, but you were grateful that she took the time to talk to you.

She got up from her chair and started to walk towards the stairs to go to her room, but you felt like you were forgetting something..

"Oh! Mom," She turned around to look at you, waiting for you to continue. "Do you think we could get some groceries tomorrow? All we have is cereal and frozen seriously." The look on her face was shocked as she started to realize how much she kind of neglects you because of how busy she is.

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