The Big Day

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A Young Women on the shorter side wearing an orange bandana in her hair walked up to the counter at the back of the Fairy Tail guild hall. She easily walked through the guild without much trouble which was odd for the rowdy guild.

"Hey, Mira? Have you seen Lucy recently?" She asked the barmaid as she looked around the guild, "Or anyone from team Natsu?"

Mira stopped wiping down a dish as she looked up to talk: "I don't think so. I haven't seen them for a while. Sorry, Levi."

"Do you by chance know if they left on a mission recently?"

Mira's clear blue eyes seemed to become hazy as she answered airily: "They had been requested for a job."

When Levi tried to have Mira elaborate she just repeated the same thing with a faraway look. Not getting anywhere with Mira, Levi decided to start her own investigation. Recruiting people from around the guild who also noticed the group's disappearance, Levi was accompanied by Gajeel, Romeo, Juvia, Cana, Lilly, and Lisanna. Once they were all organized and had their jobs assigned they left to figure out where Team Natsu had disappeared to.


Butterflies filled both Lucy's and Wendy's stomachs as they made their way to the entrance of UA with Aizawa and Yamada. After two years of brutal training and intense studying, they were finally here. Even though they had visited UA regularly this time it felt completely new. Other students were walking into the school, though not as many as the regular entrance exam would have. Aizawa pulled them out of their trance when he urged them along with some words of encouragement.

"Don't worry, you two have nothing to fear. If anything you two are overqualified."

Lucy smiled weakly as she nodded, knowing Aizawa that was a rare compliment. They had been to a few of his classes and saw him teaching, they had even briefly met the class he had expelled. If their training with Aizawa had taught them anything it was that Aizawa took training them seriously. Pushing them to their absolute best, which is what made him such a great teacher. He was also an understanding and gentle parental figure. He had been a major help in Lucy's healing from the wounds her father had left on her. If anything he was more of a dad to her in the past two years than her father had ever been. The weak smile soon morphed into a bright one as she looked at Aizawa.

Grabbing Wendy's hand as she hurried forward Lucy looked back at Aizawa as she said: "Thank you, Dad!"

Too embarrassed to look at Aizawa any longer Lucy quickly pulled Wendy through the doors of the building. Leaving Aizawa standing there in shock with Yamada's mouth hung open.

"NOOOOOOO! That would have been a perfect moment to record! Now I will have to be ready for when Wendy does it. I might have to get a camera that can record all the time, or..." Yamada continued to rant about how underprepared he was and how he should be ready the next time as Aizawa glared at him.

Moment ruined Aizawa followed the girls into UA. Mind still playing over the scene. He was so fixated on playing over in his head Lucy calling him dad that he didn't notice he was in the assessment room until Nemuri pulled him out of his daze. Yamada was overseeing all the tests so he was with the kids explaining all the rules. The two mages had branched off from each other to sit with some students they had gotten acquainted with beforehand. Closer to Yamada Lucy sat with a girl with spiky black hair wearing expensive-looking clothing. Both were listening intently to everything Yamada had to say. Further back next to a stoic-looking boy with a scar over his left eye was Wendy. She was listening to Yamada but she kept glancing back at the boy with a worried look on her face. Knowing Wendy, Aizawa knew it was because she wants to see if she could help him but it still irritated him that she was so close to a boy around her age. He had reluctantly let them hang around Tensi's younger brother and that was only because he was the textbook definition of well a textbook.

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