The Rage of a Mage is Like No Other

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A bit of a TW (Trigger Warning) this chapter will have some depictions of violence and injuries, due to the battling. Continue as you see fit. Also finally got Wendy's hero costume pic to show up, it is above.


Yawning Lucy was half-listening to the lecture the pro hero Thirteen was giving. Her head was full of thoughts of her teammates. It had almost been three years since they had been found by Aizawa but there has been no sign of them. Her only hope of them being in the same world was a covered-up report of a kid with a fire quirk rampaging, fighting anyone who dared approach him with a fly blue cat. Clinging to that Lucy steeled herself, saying her team was just laying low like she was with Wendy. A sudden chill down her spine pulled Lucy out of her thoughts. Looking at the others she could tell Wendy and Aizawa had felt it too. The other students got confused asking if it was part of the lesson. In the clearing below was a black oval tall enough to fit All Might through with room to spare. Like ants, people started to stream out of it in hoards.

"Stay back!" Lucy barked at the same time as Aizawa, startling the students.

"Those are villains," Aizawa told them as it was, not caring to sugar coat it, "You guys need to get out of here."

"I am staying to fight with you!" Wendy said confidently, Lucy stepping up as well.

"No, it is too dangerous for you."

"This isn't the first time we have fought villains before. We can handle ourselves just fine." Lucy said sounding offended but confident, acting her mental age for the first time in a while,  "Besides it would be foolish to fight all those villains alone."

As they talked more villains streamed out of the portal in the clearing. A giant black bird humanoid being stepped out with a guy covered in severed hands. The guy noted All Might's absence, easily putting the pieces together Lucy figured out they were the intruders at the same time as Aizawa. A few more pieces clicked in Lucy's head angering her. If that guy knew about the schedule he sent or was the person who injured Loki. She was about to charge at him but Wendy stopped her. Their classmates were surprised to see Lucy acting like this. Usually, it was just Bakugo who seemed to run into things headfirst.

"Lucy you are better than this, don't charge in blind with fury," Wendy advised gently and quietly.

Slowly Wendy let go of Lucy when she nodded, letting out a deep breath she calmed herself and pulled out her whip.

"Thirteen get the kids out of here," Aizawa told the other teacher as he lunged into the fray, stopping the approaching Villians.

Wendy tried to pull Lucy back but she stayed firmly rooted to the spot, glaring at the hand man. Giving up, Wendy turned her attention to the warp villain who had cut off their escape. He reminded her of a butler with his overly polite way of talking about being there to kill All Might. Acting rashly Bakugo and Kirishima charged at him. Explosions obscured everyone's view, once the smoke cleared the villain stood unharmed. An angry Bakugo was pulled into a portal, along with other people, before he or anyone else could attack again.

Lucy pulled out of her trance when the portal guy pulled some of the students including Wendy into his portal. Already angry Lucy lashed her whip at the villain, it passed through but at the tip higher up it nicked something solid. Her second try worked much better, wrapped around metal Lucy yanked the man forward giving Ida a chance to slip past. The villain was slippery with his quirk and got out of Lucys hold in time to redirect Thirteens quirk back at them. With no one there to stop her, Lucy ran after Aizawa while Shoji stopped him from blocking Ida's escape. She used her whip to fend off any villains who tried to attack her, defeating them easily. As the number of villains increased she summoned Mehri to help her from a distance. After a while of fighting the weaker villains, Lucy got a chance to look around for Aizawa. To her horror, the hand guy had decayed his elbow. Anger bubbling under the surface Lucy summoned Hydra, straining her reserve.

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