Chapter 5

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(A/N: Sorry for the late update! I think this will be the most graphic chapter I’ve ever written in my whole life and this chappie will be very long. I hope you’ll be patient with me and continue to vote and comment in this book and my other ones! Enjoy!)

[Kyle Walker]


"Okay cousins..."

Before entering the school boundary, we decided to untangle our fingers and actually think of a plan.

It was still early, and only a faint sound from couple of students entering the compound  mingled with the breeze.

Midnight and I thought of all possible events that might actually happen in the classrooms and one problem is all about his earsthey should be idle the whole time that his hair would hide them well.

"Then what would be my name?" Midnight asked, jittered more than I expected him to be, his carefree profile gone as he fiddled with his fingers.

"That would be Midnight W. Winterrs and W stands for Walker a'yt? You have to fill that up yourself and your age... You have to change that to a smaller digit, not 19... That would attract attention..." I found myself worrying as much as Midnight as recite the first two things he should do.

For the day, I decided that he shouldn't separate with me and take all the same subjects I do. All we have to do is to be careful and it's not that easy as said.

"Let's go?" I gestured and he nodded.

The campus was more crowded from the inside. Soft chatters of the pupils scattered around the hallways were present but we managed to squeeze through as we head to the registrar's office.

We were nearing the room and I patted Midnight by his bagpack, reaching down to whisper.

"We are almost there, Middy. I'm going to refer you and you have to fill up everything they tell you to ay't?" He stiffened then nodded after a while, his eyes scanning the crowd dithery.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do fine. They won't eat you or something." I added.

I reached out for the knob I found really cold and twisted it open. Everyone was in their clean white desks typing, and some with their coffee.

 Only few staffs were there since it was still early and I greeted everyone by nodding through the small opening I peeked through.

Some of their eyes displayed sympathy as they watched me, probably knowing the issues I talked about when I was summoned by the guidance counsellors. And ever since, I hated it when they do that counsellors shouldn’t ever tell anything that has been said inside the guidance office.

In fact,

I'm alive and horny

I mean, I'm alive and kicking.

“Ma'am Lyre? Is she around?" I asked, not anymore able to hold eye contact with them so I stared everywhere above eye level.

“She’s in her office, please knock before you enter, she might be having a nap.”

I nodded in understanding, gesturing for Midnight to walk beside me as we slid through tables and chairs, and the feeling of their eyes on us just made it harder.

As we reach the office across the room, I immediately tapped my knuckle against the door and waited. I heard soft shuffles of books before the door opened.

Ma’am Lyre is really huge but also really pretty. Her blond hair with streaks of brown reached up until her waist, framing her face into a perfect shape. At first she might look intimidating, but she was really kind and she was the first teacher I liked.

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