Chapter 4

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[Kyle Walker]

“I don’t want to!”

“Yes you do. Now get up!”


A very cold morning met us. The blush taints of dawn battling with the sun’s shine just before my opened window, small birds chirping with the calm whoosh of the wind which cause my curtains to rise and then fall.

 Midnight hissed at me at the morning as early as 5am, hiding his cold little self under one of my pillows as I attempt to wake him up — well, for school.

“Come on,” I said, tugging as his blanket before pulling it out completely.

“RAAWR! Stupid Kyle! Bad Kyle! Bad! Bad! Bad!” Midnight bolted straight right up, his ears and tail straightened with the temperature as he growled.

“Woah, I thought I saw a lion there...” I commented. “Now come Middy. Time for school.” I ruffled his morning hair which seemed to settle a little and he scrunched up his nose.

“School?” He asked, I nodded.

“You made me skip yesterday and I can’t obviously skip again today or leave you here alone for god’s sake.” I deadpanned.

“Why not.”


“Because if Elliot will find you, he will—“

“Who’s Elliot?”

He’s someone who’s going to kill you.

“My stepfather. So get your ass off the bed and don’t change the topic."

“Aaaagh!” He yelled in frustration. “Fine, fine— I mean no! I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to!”

What a hard headed brat.

He flopped on the bed, flat on his back and shut his eyes close as if I wasn’t hear a second ago.

Another set of seconds after that and he was fast asleep. His soft purring mingled with the song of the bids and my own sighs.

I took a shower(which was inside my room) as Midnight was sleeping or maybe fake-sleeping on me. And with the warm water flowing from the shower head and down to my skin, I discussed with myself the other things Midnight could do instead of coming with me to school.

Things that came up into my mind:

(a)  Lock Midnight here with food and drinks. (But I wonder how he couldn’t make a noise and attract Elliot here. It also is the same as letting him stay in the prison because there is nothing you can actually do in my room.)

(b)  Leave him somewhere else or maybe in the church where I found him, then send him food. (No.No. Not safe.)

(c)  Petcare. (DAFUQ NO.)

I wrapped my towel around my waist reaching down just above my knee after using it for wiping my hair dry.

 Stepping before the mirror, I noticed the sudden bloom of my skin and how happy I look and I could say that my eyes were really filled with hope. Again. From inside, I could still hear the covers shuffling as Midnight changes position in bed. These things doesn’t happen before— not any of this, no other sounds except from myself, no arguments, no talks, no smiles.

A big part of me is really happy I’ve found someone to be with, someone who could make my heart race just by thinking about him, and someone who constantly makes me nervous. But sometimes, I can’t deny missing the solitude I used to have. I miss that solitude, but I fear it too, because I won’t want to be separated from Midnight... I think... I can’t tell that now.

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