Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe it. The more I studied him, the more it seems unreal. Two folded cat ears were rested on top of his head, twitching every time another breath escapes from his lips. Sweat beaded from our bodies despite the cooling breeze of early autumn, perspiration deserting from my neck down to my clothing as well as the boy. He was wearing a plain black velvet hoodie and another grey pants.  My tawny brown hair blocks a portion of my view but I can see most.

I attempted to wriggle my way from the heft his body had to pin me down, which didn't help. All the shiftings I made caused the boy to flutter his eyes, revealing a pair of vivid silver grey eyes studying me. For a second, I found myself calming down. His eyes narrate too many stories as the sun lit a kaleidoscope of pain, experience and hope. I brushed the damp hair away from his temple and he flinched. 

"Meo-oh." He lifted his torso, throwing his arms out at the same time, then in a swift, brought them back to his lips. He meowed - he couldn't be the cat, could he? I was blinking pretty quickly as if trying to figure everything out, but the boy was doing the contrast - his moonshone eyes broadening as his shoulders move up and down, breathing. He was waiting for me to react.

I am scared.

Still scared.

Then the fear disappeared.

I shouldn't be afraid. Or maybe at first I was. Or maybe I misunderstood those feelings as fear instead of surprise. 

I admit it, this was like seeing a ghost. In the beginning you get startled by the appearance, of all the things it could do to you,or it's foreigness to the norms and you dig up all the bad things it could do to you but find none. 

I don't even know if this was real, if he was really that kitten but something told me he was. I was half-awake, half-asleep,  things that bolt in my mind are things that I'm unsure of. Well, it doesn't matter. What's in front of me became enough for me to believe.  

Silence between us was filled by the morning birds chirping from the safron, honey-dyed leaves of the tree above us, an orange leaflet slowly landing on the pitch-black locks of the teenage boy on my chest, who displayed so much familiarity.

Of course he would be recognizable - the atmosphere he oozed was the exact warmth the black kitten gave off all these years he'd cuddled down on my foot.

It felt like I didn't have to ask if this was real because I wanted it to be. 

Finally, I gathered my courage to speak. 

"It's okay,"

I proceeded on brushing the hair that now sticked to his forehead away from his 15-year old profile. Only this time he didn't cower, instead his cringe his nose up, his pale rosy lips quirking up to smile at me.

And didn't even look like he came from being an animal. He appeared so human if it wasn't for the ears and tail. His smell enclosing a powder-like scent, like a baby and his skin smooth and luminous.

"Kyle..." He spoke, a rasp young voice slipping from his mouth, the smile he gave me remained drawn on his chin. 

"Hey..." I moved my back a bit, holding the boy with me as I tilt my back a little, since it was becoming a little painful. I realized I never knew his name, even after all these years. I never even named him. But he was there. For me.

"My name's Midnight." 

With shaky fingers, Midnight reached up to touch my cheek as if he couldn't believe.

"I've always wanted to reach your face before,"  He whispered, I shifted my fingers to cover his own on my cheek.

"Why hadn't you before?" 

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