Chapter 8

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[Midnight Winterrs]

It took me long enough just walking towards Blake’s table. All I wanted was to turn on my heel and just run away like I always do —but not when everyone’s watching me.

His blue orbs didn’t reflect the sea, or the sky— they’re just plain cold. The rims of his eyes were tight, as if in a cage— and that was the first time I actually made a contact with them.

Ma’am Lyre’s voice broke the growing silence by talking with the class.

“So, today you’re going to finish your SIP with your pairs for your final defense— which is by the way, this Friday. Make sure you finish everything now... Winterrs, since Kylie is not around to help Blake, you join the group for the moment.”

Great. I’m gonna be a dead cat.

My pulse picked up speed in a pace I didn’t want. It was because of its irregularity that my chest began to hurt, and my finger tips became cold and numb.

All I can do was hope— call Kyle in my mind, telling him to rush and get me.

No shit. Seriously, where are you?

I felt stupid. I was the first to leave and now I’m calling him back, again? An echo in the deepest corners of my head says that he would never come back— not for me, who left him behind. Clueless.

Beside Blake, I had to be careful. Careful not to trigger anything. Or does he not remember? Why isn’t he doing anything?

“Ready?” Blake peered through the dark locks that fell by my temples. His eyes were searching mine but I can’t seem to stand my ground and lock with his.

I exchanged his stare for a curt smile and a nod before he spoke instructions. Their piece wasn’t that complicated, it was just a handmade electric measure — in which most of the materials are just found at home.

We stood up, to allow more space we could work on.

Procedures were easy. Or so I thought. Snipping plastic bottles were sure effortless but cutting thicker copper wires was beyond my strength.

Blake must have noticed my struggling for he watched me, waiting to ask for help.

“Hey— uhm, Blake?” I started. “I can’t seem to—“

“Cut them?” He glanced at me from his own activity and scooted closer.

“Use this instead of scissors.” Blake handed me a pair of heavy scissor-like metal which he grabbed across the table. For I while, I was staring at it, its ragged edges seemed unable to cut anything—

And suddenly his hands went around my arms, guiding them what to do.

“Scissors don’t do with wires. Pliers do. Like this...”

His breath went straight to the back of my neck, making every possible strand of hair stand up to attention. And I felt my ears twitch. No, not my ears please.

I thought my heart couldn’t be any faster, but the moment his hand brushed against mine—it just did. A little more and this organ would burst.

I’m... scared.

The snap of both metals brought me back to my senses.

“It’s been a while, isn’t it, Middy?” That moment, his tone changed, his voice to a deeper whisper that made my body stiff.

“Blake?” I didn’t have to look back. Blake had his chin by my shoulders, his lips now twisted to a wicked grin.

No one would see. Something whispered at my mind. Students were busy watching over tables, chemical reactions and papers. The room was practically crammed with the sound of glass clinks, frustrations and commands that no one would notice others’ businesses.

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