Chapter 9

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[Kyle Walkers]

He became the stars of my shadowed night-time.

He shone too bright, that he became my sun.

He showed me colours that once I couldn’t see.

Without him, how blind will I be?



Nothing could explain what was happening before me right now, especially when it’s Midnight, and Blake, who’ve been acting strange around each other lately. Well, but now, they’re about to fuck each other senseless.

All these days I was washed out with confusion, from the first day Midnight has gone to school, the next, and now they give me this? I was barely holding on to explanations and just— WOW.

It was a few seconds after that I felt anger rise in the pits of my empty stomach. I saw Midnight’s hooded grey eye smothered with tears, and pain as his face was pressed against the cold tiled wall.

“Kyle let me—“

“YOU ASSHOLE!” I didn’t let Blake finish whatever he was about to say. He’d probably defend himself but what statement would excuse him? In a flash, my fist collided with his nose and a cracking sound didn’t make me satisfied at all.

I took a handful of his creased collar in my hand and he was staring back at me with pure shock. Sure, I haven’t done this even once before, let alone hurt someone but this was too much.

I won’t allow him steal away Midnight from me.

Not anybody.

He’s all I have.

“How could you do this, huh, Blake? When I considered you a friend you mother fucker!” Words started filling out from my mouth as if it was a persona. Not even once I have used my language to hurt anyone, and this was probably the first time I’ve lost my control over someone. Over Midnight.

I let go of the heap of fabric under my hand after delivering a blow on his solar plexus and Blake fell on the floor in a bloody lump. It was on the same beat that Midnight’s knees decided to collapse and tears flowed from his eyes without a hint of hesitation.

“Middy...” I cooed, being gentler than I already am as I take his head to cradle in my arms.

“Kyle... I—I’m so sorry...” With that, he completely fell limp on my hold but kept conscious.

His hair was damp from the sweat that coated it, and his breathing was unsteady. I’ve always thought I’d see Midnight with the smile only he can make ever since that day. And it even hurt more than the first time he cried on me, now that my feelings were stronger.

“Ssssh... It’s alright. It’s fine. Can you stand?” I felt that Midnight wasn’t safe with Blake just around the corner so I helped him get to his knees as he nods, stepping out of the cubicle. I complied in buttoning his shirt back on and he buckled his belt.  

As I insert the plastic buds of buttons to each slit downwards, I noticed the smudge of redness over his scar. I hissed past clenched teeth as I ran my finger along the glinted silver skin.

“That’s... alright.” Midnight took my face to look at his and nothing could make me contented that his smile was back, although I know he was faking it. But that only meant he was gaining his strength back by being able to fake one.

“He did this, didn’t he?” My suspicions were right as a poignant timid look swept across his profiles. I pulled him closer to me, as if holding him for the first time and planted a kiss on his forehead.

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