Chapter 2

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My mind blanked as the deity said my American name, no longer fully sure if I was dreaming this all up or not.

If Thoth was real, then he'd know more than just my name...and here was an extremely large human-bird hybrid that looked similar to the wall carvings I've seen of his visage, nearly mirroring the statue I had seen in the temple.

Thoth's eyes partially narrowed as he moved back to his full height, the talons tightening around the eye of the stone ankh while his wings remained mostly where they were, "If you're so uncertain, then why don't you test me?"

"Ah..." My eyes darted around the room before settling back on him, "I don't want to test a deity."

"I'm not so haughty that I'd become angry over that," He raised his right wing a little before reaching out for something within one of the bookcases near him, the lead feathers curling around like fingers as he took a scroll from its resting place. The scroll itself was twice my height as the deity maneuvered it easily, breaking the seal as I felt a searing heat on my chest.

I cried out in pain, my hands reaching up and grasping at the shirt, trying to pull the collar down enough so I could see where the pain was coming from. Aside from my usual bra, my skin looked normal.

"You were pulled here by force, not coming willingly when you were called. When you arrived, you were in the middle of the desert," Thoth read from the scroll in a monotone, my focus still on the pain and trying to figure out where it was coming from, "Since you were summoned by him, there's not much that I will be able to do about it."

"'Him'? Who dragged me here?" His wording caught my attention, looking up at him and letting go of my shirt collar.

"The one who branded you," Using his left wingtip to point towards my chest, I opened my mouth to object before the heat returned, my skin practically boiling underneath my shirt. With a simple beckoning motion of his wing, a burning mark floated in the air between us as it carved the pain I was feeling into a symbol mid-air.

The image of a long bar tapered downwards towards the ends, almost forming some kind of upside down canoe. Six lines of water swayed down from the underside of the bar, vanishing into the air as the image made my eyes widen in fear.

Thoth's eyes slightly narrowed at my nonverbal confirmation, "Then you know this symbol."



"Why...? What does the deity of destruction and chaos want with me?" I took a few steps forward, looking past the floating symbol to the deity of knowledge for my answer. He straightened his posture before looking towards the endless library around us, the mark vanishing in smoke as I stepped through it.

"I am no one's keeper. His reasons are his own and I will not betray my knowledge by informing yours," His empty jade eyes finally looked back down on me, Thoth's expression just as vacant as when he first saw me.

"You said that I'm your chosen, so give me something to go off of!" I yelled out in frustration, not wanting to get into a pointless circular argument with a deity who was more than capable of jumping right into one.

Thoth stared at me before moving one of his feet from the eye to the arm of the stone ankh, lowering himself a little bit before reaching for another bookshelf.

"The only piece of information that I can tell you without jeopardizing anything else is that the Pharaoh is a devout follower of Set, so she may have some knowledge about why Set brought you here," He flipped through some pages in the book he picked out, the lead feathers separating the pages as the deity searched for something, "Of course, being a follower of Set means that she embraces the chaotic side of balance and may not even provide you with the answers that you're hoping to find. The only one who can give you that is Set himself."

A God's Bargain (EgyptianGod!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now