Chapter 20 == Bad Ending

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It was a different experience than when I had seen visions of the past, but it never felt wrong. However, it was worrying how much damage my body had endured for the past two days.

My phantasmal eyes carefully took in every tear and scrape on my back, the thin linen growing red where it rested against the open lesions. Bruises dotted my shoulders and arms while angry red scratches marred my legs. Should Thoth be successful, I was worried that every injury I endured would transfer with me to my time. I wanted to trust that Thoth wouldn't break his word, but the worry remained present.

The quill in Thoth's (my) hand quickly scratched out in a rhythmic pattern, almost like he was writing out a melody instead of words. While I had a fantastical display in mind for when we were talking about spells, what unfolded in front of my eyes felt more right than the dazzling display of glowing runes and incomprehensible incantations.

His writing was the only break from the silence, nonsensical words floating in my head as I began to quietly create a song from his rhythm. I watched as sheet after sheet was filled out, put from stack to stack neatly while the quill never wavered from its rhythm.

"Now, now, puppet. That's not kind to do."

I froze while Thoth kept working, stiffly turning around to see Set leaning against the far wall next to the cell door. His pale yellow eyes remained on my form as he stood up.

"You and your wife dragged me into this mess," I moved to stand behind Thoth, holding out my arms wide to be a body shield for the focused deity, "You refused to listen to me anymore, so I made another bargain with Thoth!"

"Our agreement was your death for my wife."

"<Don't twist my words!>" I shouted in anger, furious that Set was seemingly still trying to get out of his end of the bargain, "<You would let me live the rest of my life and send me home!>"

Set playfully lifted a hand to his chin, looking away as if thinking about something, "Did I really promise that?, those were your own words. I never said anything about putting you back in your time."

His eyes snapped back to me as a wide grin spread open his lips, "Gods are fickle, (y/n). You will fulfill the end of our agreement and die tomorrow morning, then my wife will be back by my side."

He raised a taloned hand, flexing his fingers before bringing them down towards the section of floor that Thoth was using.

"No!" I fruitlessly tried to stop his action, his arm passing through me easily as I watched helplessly while his talons dug into the stack of filled sheets. Set's claws shredded them easily into strips while Thoth was forced to lean away from the papers, the quill snapping in half as pale jade met pale yellow.

"You fool!" Thoth roared as Set moved away from the standing deity, my body left discarded on the floor while I felt myself become viciously pulled towards it. I felt nauseous as Thoth and I exchanged places, the sour taste of bile rising in my throat as I watched the scraps of papyrus paper float down to the ground, my mind reeling from both the sudden snap of souls and the vicious anger resonating from Thoth.

The wounds on my body felt like they had been lit on fire, every gash and scratch burning while I struggled to crawl away from the growing fight behind me. Blood welled up within my mouth before I choked on bile, releasing the vomit and blood all at once. Where my tongue once was screamed out in pain as stomach acid touched raw nerves, sending another wave of nausea onto the floor.

Something gently pulled at my hands as my vision became blurry from tears, blinking the salty liquid away to see two clay dolls gripping my pinkies and motioning towards the wall a few feet in front of me.

A God's Bargain (EgyptianGod!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now