Chapter 7

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I promptly closed my mouth in confusion, my eyes opening wide to see that I was standing within the Pharaoh's private worship chamber in the main palace temple. The carving of Set grinned down at me with sharpened teeth, his hands still reaching out along the surrounding walls.

"I forgot that my image is pretty impressive."

I failed to stifle a cry of shock as Set spoke from behind me, frantically turning around to see a human man looking up at the stone carving before his gaze swept down to me.

The wide smile had lost its sharp edge, but the frantic intent was still there as his pale yellow eyes fell to my figure, "A deal's a deal, Ahti."

"But...I haven't made a deal with you yet...?" The writing table behind me pressed into my back as I tried to figure out what had happened between the vision of his deity form and Set standing before me as a human.

The stretched grin shrunk into a pleased smile, his eyes partially lidding as his hand reached out and lightly caressed the bottom of my jawline, "A binding agreement for me to remain by your side for seven sun crossings."

" exchange for what," My heart sunk deep into my stomach, not wanting to know the answer.

"The return of Nebthwt," Set's hand trailed down my left arm, his fingers curious and cautious as he felt my skin. His eyes, however, did not leave my own.

"'re to stay with me for seven days,'ll get your sister-wife back?" My mind went into overdrive, the scattered pieces of the puzzle slowly lining up. For Set to have Nephthys back would mean that I could be sent back home, back to my time...right?

The confirming nod from the shrunken-down deity was all I needed.

Seven days of the deity by my side, allowing me an entire week to ask questions.

"Just...don't try to be yourself if you get upset," I commented quietly as I walked out of the private area, Set following close behind as his hand brushed against mine.

"Such a demanding human," I could hear the chuckle in his tone.

...maybe seven days was going to be too long.


The walk back to my quarters within the palace seemed to stretch into forever as Set constantly asked questions about both the surroundings in my time and what my life had been like before he twisted his fingers into my fate. I divulged what I thought I was able to without causing some space-time rift, all the while tolerating his brief touches along my arms and back.

While the contact remained innocent enough, I couldn't help but feel that he was comparing the sensations to Nephthys. With the more cursory touches satisfied to his liking, his fingers lingered longer on my forearms and shoulders but never with his whole hand.

Maybe he hadn't been in a human form for a while?

"Okay, that's enough," I stopped as soon as Set crossed the threshold of my room, my eyes shifting from his fingers playing with my beaded dress to the face of the chaotic deity that seemed enraptured by my statement, "Since you're going to be by my side for seven days, we need to set boundaries."

His fingers barely lifted off of my skin, setting the organ aflame with goosebumps where his touch hovered just above it. A knowing smile tugged at his lips while his eyes remained fixed on mine, "You should know that I don't do well with boundaries."

I stifled a groan and kept my eyes from rolling into the back of my head, "The boundaries are there to keep me from being killed, Set. If you haven't noticed yet, I'm being used by a Pharaoh who despises me because she's serving your demands."

A God's Bargain (EgyptianGod!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now