Chapter 19

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The corded whip wrapped around my back before the user yanked back ferociously, the shards of glass embedded within the tails ripping skin and blood vessels with every lashing.

My throat was rough from the screams I had been offering, saliva drooling down from my bottom lip as I endured the torture. I said nothing of other methods that this age of Egypt used, fearful of changing my torturer's mind from the gentle whipping he had decided upon.

With my wrists bound by linen and pinned high on the wooden post in the torture chamber, I was forced to watch Set crooning over my wounded form. His yellow eyes never left mine whenever I had the strength to glare at him, the black talons tipping his fingertips digging deeper into the floor with every crack of whip.

I had given up on any modesty when it was made clear that Pharaoh Neithhikret had charged me with treason, my false crime detailed as 'coveting the throne'. Treason meant death, and I knew that no one escaped the death penalty regardless of position. Since Neithhikret held my punishment in her hands, I could only guess that Set would have her draw this out as much as possible for his own entertainment.

"Oh, my Lady..." The aforementioned deity's voice sounded soft, possibly meant to be endearing in spite of the murderous excitement clearly on his face, "I can tell that you're scheming something. Worry not, my dear..."

Set leaned close, his lips barely brushing against my ear as another lashing curled around my back.

"Your host will suffer for your decision to hide from me."

"< not get aroused by my blood?>" I sneered in his direction, my words stilling the smirk on his lips before he drew back with a loud laugh.

"To think that you still had such a tongue!" The torturer's whip cracked again, "Is this the true (y/n) we see unfolding before us? Be careful so as to not lose that, too."

I was tossed back into the small room without ceremony, blood trickling down my back and from between my lips. My wrists remained bound.

A guttural cry whimpered from my throat as I stayed where I landed, my fervent wish for Thoth's speedy return dashed when I previously caught a glimpse of the night sky through a small window within the hallway.

An inky black spotted with stars, an empty circle where the moon circled overhead.

The second night of the new moon.

"Soon, my Lady," Set's taloned hand curled under my chin and cheek, lifting it up to see the damage for himself, "Your host's shame ends tomorrow."

I could only glare at him, unable to do anything else.

"Get up."

My uneasy sleep was interrupted by the demand, following the guard's order and standing patiently as two younger women were ushered into the cell.

Nekhbet and I could only stare at each other before she was reminded of her duty, a sorrowful look of apology flashing on her expression as I was undressed from the shredded linen, cleaned up, and redressed with a more intact fabric. Her delicate hands took care while washing my face, holding back tears as she wiped away the dried blood from my mouth.

I could see that she wanted to tell me something, but I only gave her a short nod in acknowledgement when the guard escorted both women out.

It's not like I could tell her anything anyway...

A God's Bargain (EgyptianGod!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now