Chapter 8

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A muffled noise slowly brought my mind back from the thick darkness surrounding my thoughts, trying to piece together what had happened before colors arranged themselves into different shapes. A man's face was above me, his pale yellow eyes hooded and focused on something just below my line of sight before they flicked up to my face, the man turning away and moving from where I lay. A large deep purple cloak flowed from high above his shoulders and kept his body from sight as I heard a hollow 'clack' of something hitting a tiled floor in a repetitive rhythm, a long furred tail dragging along the floor behind him that swayed with every step.

I could hear something open and close again from his direction before he turned back to face me, an emotionless expression resting on his face as the thick black makeup surrounding his eyes accentuated his yellow hues even more. The cloak he was wearing was attached to the headdress that adorned his head, two long jackal-like ears protruding from underneath his dark hair while the golden neck jewelry wrapped around his shoulders in a beautiful mantle.

"...Anubis..." My throat protested against the name, aching for water to soothe the pain that suddenly made itself known. The deity of embalming didn't seem to acknowledge my utterance as he stepped closer to where I was laying, lifting his dark-furred hands to reveal a curved needle with some white thread through the needle's eye. Instead of the fear that should've flooded my nerves at the revelation of what was happening, I only felt calm as he lowered the needle past my view before I felt a light tug under my left breast.

With him much closer, I could see the bandages wrapped around his upper body underneath the golden jewelry slightly loosen as they draped around his chest and forearms, completely revealing the black fur rotting underneath them and exposing the blanched skeletal structure beneath the fur. His furred hands worked deftly as I realized that I hadn't yet taken in a breath since I woke up.

"Am I...passing on?"

"," Anubis' voice was dark and deep, like a monster growling in the dark of night, "You still retain your heart."

"Then, what am I to do?" Another tug drew my attention back to what he was doing, seeing the bloody needle pull up into view before turning back down.

"That's for con neiwt to decide."

'Con neiwt'? Uncle...? My mind deciphered the old term as I partially closed my eyes, I wonder which one he means...

"May I know what happened to me?"

"A poisoned dagger from a loyal follower," A voice laughed out, the sudden intrusion causing a slight flick of irritation in Anubis' left ear, "Who would have thought that Neithhikret would actually do that? It certainly boggles the mind, doesn't it."

My eyes narrowed in frustration as I looked up to the amused Set propping his upper body up above me, "You did."

A heavy look of pleasure and amusement settled on his face, his pale yellow eyes sweeping over my form.

"You told me that she wouldn't kill me, but here I am!"

"A mere misjudgment from a human," He stood up as he waved one of his hands dismissively, "I did not guide her to that choice."

"Your appearance did, Set. She killed me to 'save' you."

"My little desert flower, you're clearly too shocked by your death to be thinking straight. Anpu, put her brain back in!" The amusement never left Set's face as he stood up from the slab I was on.

Anubis didn't respond before he snipped the thread.

"You're the one that dragged me here because you think your sister-wife is somewhere inside me. This whole mess started because of you! Take some responsibility for what's happened to me!" I raised a hand towards the deity of chaos, my brow furrowing in frustration as my spine refused to move.

A God's Bargain (EgyptianGod!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now