Chapter Eleven

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I sigh as I watch the 10 warriors and 3 females line up before Landon, Caleb and I.

One of these shifters has to be the traitor. I'm still stunned that someone would betray Landon, everyone seemed to love him.

"I'm sure your wondering why I've gathered you here." Landon's voice booms through the clearing, power in ever word.

Everyone in front of us nods their heads, keeping their eyes down.

I wonder who Landon plans on starting with.

"One of you is a traitor, either step forward now and your punishment will be much worse." I can sense the Alpha command pouring off my mate.

Tanner, the warrior that had told me to run steps forward. His head still bowed as he speaks. "It wasn't me, Alpha."

I look up at Landon, wondering what he's thinking, does he believe the gamma?

"Look me in the eye and say that." Landon orders.

Tanner looks up, his voice shaky as he stares his Alpha in the eye. "I would never place our Luna in danger."

Landon seems please with this answer

"Step back. Justin step forward."

I watch as Landon goes down the line, confused how he seems to know when one tells the truth.

It doesn't take long to get through all 13 shifters.

"Tanner, Grayson, Luke, and Madison are staying here. The rest of you can go."

'There's four traitors?' I reach out to Landon's mind.

'No two, Luke and his mate Madison.'

I wonder how he knows.

The four that had been asked to stay watch as the rest of the warriors and woman head back to their stations and house's.

"Tanner and Grayson put Luke and Madison in the dungeons." An evil grin spreads across my mates handsome face.

I should be scared of that look, but it makes me feel safer instead.

"It wasn't us." Madison cries as Grayson slips silver cuffs onto her wrist.

"Don't lie to me, I can sense your hiding something." Landon growls. He turns to face the two warriors detaining the mates pair.

Luke starts growling, shifting into his wolf form before Tanner has a chance to get the silver cuffs on him.

Landon pushes me behind him as Solis takes over his body, staring the charging wolf down. I close my eyes as Luke's wolf lunges at my mate.

I hear a snap and than a body flop to the ground.
Madison lets out a scream that rings throughout the clearing.

I open my eyes, peaking around Landon's wolf form, Luke's body lays lifeless at his feet.

Madison fights against Grayson's hold, trying to get to her dead mate. But Tanner grabs her other arm. The two man holding her still in between them.

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