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"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

I leaned my head against the cold glass of the car window and looked outside. The red and blue lights were flashing in rhythm and the officer was talking to the store owner. She was waving her hands around frantically and pointing at me on occasion. At one point we locked eyes, so I smiled and winked at her, which only drove her to become even more hysterical. I eventually leaned back on the seat and tried to get as comfortable as I could. Not the easiest thing to do when your hands are handcuffed behind your back though. Who knew a simple bracelet would cause all this trouble. 

"Guess I lost the bet," I mumbled to myself. After calming down the lady the officer spoke into his radio a bit before climbing into the driver seat. He drove away from the shop, and I looked out the window at the passing people and houses.

Once we reached the police station the officer took me to one of the private rooms.

"Thanks, Jake," I said as I took a seat. It was kind of sad and kind of hilarious that I knew the names of the officers in this police station. 

He just grunted a reply and left. I wasn't one to use Mr. and Mrs., it was so old fashioned and this was the 21st century. Thankfully he took the cuffs off and left me alone. I stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets and slouched down in the chair till my head was resting on the back. I closed my eyes and waited. My foster parents would be here soon. I listened to the bustling of the police station and wondered if these people actually liked their jobs. After some time I heard the door to the room open. I opened my eyes and sat up straight, however it was not my foster parents that walked into the room.

"Chloe," was the tart greeting I received.

"Elizabeth Tale," I replied as my social worker took a seat on the other side of the table across from me. She placed her papers on the table with a sigh. Her hair was pulled into a bun, when it usually was in a ponytail, and she was wearing makeup and heels. I have known many African Americans, but Mrs. Elizabeth Tale was by far the prettiest. I had taken a peek at her drivers license once and she was in her forties, but you could've fooled me. She looked way younger.

"So, I guess I'm not going back to the Carltons then," I said as I slouched in the chair again. Mrs. Tale sighed sharply and looked at me.

"What do you think, Chloe?!" she responded, her usually kind and patient voice gone, "this is your third arrest this month, you are still suspended from school, and you've missed your last two appointments with your rehab counselor- which were court ordered. It's by the grace of God that you're not sitting in a prison cell right now."

I looked down at my hands in my lap as she turned back to her papers. I should feel bad, but I didn't. Maybe going to prison would be better than house hopping. I just wish I could land a house that didn't care where I went and when I was getting back. That would make getting out the system a quicker process. Even though I was eighteen I was still court ordered to remain in the system until I had a perfect track record of one year. One year of good grades, no police, and I attended all my counseling sessions. That's only if my foster parents reported my every move to my social worker. Not doing so well right now. At my rate I'd be in the system till I was fifty.

"You got lucky, again," Mrs. Tale said as she placed down her pen and looked at me. I looked up to meet her eyes. "There is one last couple that are willing to take you in. They had previously applied but we chose the Carltons first. However, Chloe, this is your very last chance. If you get rejected by this family, you go back to the Home and you stay there until the court decides otherwise. I would advise you to make this work."

With that final statement she put her paperwork back into her briefcase and stood up. "I will be back tomorrow to get you and take you to them. I have your suitcase in my car. See you tomorrow."

She paused at the door, holding it half open, turning to look at me, "Chloe, I left my date with my husband to come help you. Please, do me a favor and try."

She then left the room and I let out an aggravated sigh. Great. I thought. Spending the night in jail and my old family already packed my stuff. Not that I had a lot anyway. An officer soon came in and escorted me to a cell for the night. There was a single cot with a pillow and thin blanket. Luxury, compared to some of the bridges I had woken up under before. The officer came back a little later to give me dinner and then disappeared for the night after locking the door. I laid down and tried to imagine how sweet I should act tomorrow in front of my new parents. They probably know some about me, so too sweet would be fake. But maybe a little sweet and a little distant would pull on their heart strings. I could use that to my advantage. Maybe they'll just let me do whatever and I won't have to act at all. With that final thought I rolled towards the wall and fell asleep. 

Elizabeth Tale

I placed both hands on the top of the steering wheel then leaned my forehead on them and let the tears fall. When I had gotten the call from the station about Chloe I was immediately angry and frustrated. It was the first date in a long time I've had with Brad and it was ruined by this phone call. However, when I walked into that room I saw a girl that has given up on life. A girl that didn't care anymore, and that broke my heart. 

In all my eighteen years of doing this job I've never had a child so problematic as Chloe. When I took her case I was warned she was trouble, but I didn't think it would be this bad so often. However, I couldn't give up on her no matter what she did. I wish Brad and I were in a better place, I would take her in in a heartbeat and give her the love she so desperately wanted, no matter how much she tried to hide that. As each family gave up on her, her attitude got worse and her will to care about anything left her more. 

I sat back in the car seat and gently wiped the tears away, wanting to save some of my makeup. I then called my husband. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, sweetie bug, all done?" he asked. I couldn't help but smile at the pet name. He only used it when I was having a hard time and it was the one thing that would always cheer me up.

"Yea, I'm done. I'm sorry about having to leave dinner, I know it was date night. It's just... Chloe..." I trailed off.

"Ah, I see," he knew most about her, "well, if you are all done there are some bowling alleys still open. I don't think the baby sitter will mind too much if we are out a little later."

"Sounds amazing. I'll be there in about ten minutes. Love you, bye."

"Love you more, bye."

I smiled as I pushed the button to hang up. I didn't know what I would do without my Brad. I drove away from the police station towards the bowling alley with my thoughts on Chloe and the trip I was soon going to have to make. I really hoped this time would work. I didn't know what I would do if she showed up in my office again.

Please, God. Let this home be the one. 

 I prayed the same prayer every time I had to take her somewhere new, but I meant it every time. Maybe, just maybe, this would be her home. 

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