Worst Day Ever

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"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1

The cabins were in side by side on either side of the path. The far end the path, or road, ended at the lake. Unfortunately, I was stuck in the third cabin in the beginning, which was too far from the lake for my liking. There were pine trees everywhere and it was hot. I was already hating every second of this mess. Our councilor walked up the steps to the door and held it open for us as we all went inside the cabin. The door led immediately into the main room which had five bunk beds lined up on opposite walls. The open space from the front door led to the back of the cabin which is where the bathroom and showers were at. To the right of the bathroom was another door that said STAFF on it. I figured that's where our babysitter was going to be sleeping. 

Molly suddenly appeared beside me and dragged me to a bunk in the far left corner. Fine by me, I wanted some privacy, and having a corner was about all I was going to get.

"Isn't this the best!" Molly beamed at me, "Do you want top bunk or bottom?"

"Uh, I'll take bottom," I answered.

"Perfect! I like the top anyways," she giggled, "do you mind if I use your bunk just to unpack, then I'll totally move my suitcase."

"Sure," I said as I looked around to where we could put our stuff. 

"Those chests at the end of bunks are ours to use for the summer," Molly said, as if reading my mind, "did you bring a combination lock?"

"Oh, no..." I was feeling more and more lost and I hated it.

"That's okay, you can have my other one. My mom bought a new pack before I left so I have a spare."

"Thanks," I said as she handed me the lock. I committed the numbers to heart and began to unpack my suitcase as well. I took a couple glances around the cabin at the other girls. Some seemed to know each other by the way they were giggling and trying to bunk together. Others seemed new, but they were already finding a BFF for the summer and settling right in. I stared at my chest full of black clothes and wished I could go back to my last foster home. I fit in there with my friends, and we could do whatever we wanted to. I failed my last bet at stealing something, which is what got my in this mess to begin with, and I wanted to go back to claim my title as Queen Thief. 

The urge to cry suddenly hit me and I choked down the sob while blinking to get rid of the threatening tears. I swore never to cry again. What good did crying do anyway? Last time I cried was when I was five and I was pleading for my second foster home to keep me. I had spent two years there and they had become my family. They were nice and seemed to love me, but when the wife finally got pregnant (they had been trying for years) they sent me back to the Home. No amount of tears had stopped them and I quickly learned that this world was cruel and hateful. No need to waste precious tears on people, things, or situations that I couldn't control. Maybe when I finally get out of the system I'll have a good cry and get it all out of my system. IF I get out of the system...

My thoughts were interrupted by Katie as she clapped her hands together to get our attention. I placed my backpack (and its precious cargo) into my chest, then shut the lid and locked it. I then joined the group of girls who were surrounding Katie. 

"Alright ladies! Welcome to Cross Cabin. We are going to have a super amazing summer. You heard Ms. Caroline earlier about the rules so I won't bore you by repeating them. You fine ladies are sixteen and up so we expect you to act like the young adults you are. You will have a schedule that you will fill out in the morning and turn in to me before you leave in the morning. It is a list of activities that you will choose to do throughout the day. Please be where you say you will be. If it lets out early the other staff members will let me know, but if you are not where you say you will be then we will have to stop the whole camp to find you." Several of the girls chuckled. "Okay, let's make this summer great!"

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