A Mistake

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"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23

The next two weeks became a blur. The early mornings and later nights had long ago sucked the joy out of summer camp. A small part of me was happy that I wasn't sent packing, but I hated all the chores. The good thing about the routines I was learning was that I was also learning when councilors were near the boy's cabins and when they weren't. I wanted to make up to Noah after our little disagreement a couple weeks ago, I just hadn't found the right time.

Molly was still kind to me, which I found extremely weird, but she wasn't over bearing like in the beginning of camp. I still tried to steer clear of her. There was something about her that just didn't sit right with me, but I couldn't put a finger on what it was. 

There was a big event going on tonight, a play of sorts, and I found it was the perfect opportunity to put my plan into action. I volunteered to stay behind and clean the main cabin after dinner. Don seemed pleased with my willingness. At least I was getting brownie points. 

I took my time until everyone had finished and left for the play. I was being extra sweet and even convinced the rest of the staff to leave as well. Once I was alone I leaned my broom against the wall and quickly headed to the bathroom. Behind the toilet in the far corner stall was my bag with my special clothes in there. I quickly changed and wrapped the long coat around me. I really hoped everything went according to plan.

I peeked my head out the bathroom door to ensure no one was in the building. It was all clear so I quickly made my way out of the main cabin. In the dark I could hear voices and laughter coming from down the hill. Faint music was also playing so I figured the play would be starting soon. I started to head towards the boys cabins when I remembered the most important part of my plan. Mentally kicking myself I quickly ran back towards the main cabin. I went into the kitchen and picked up the phone that was attached to the wall. Looking through the numbers of staff members beside the phone, I found the name I was looking for and quickly dialed.

"Hello, Lacy speaking," was the answer I got when the phone finished ringing.

"Hi, Lacy! Could you please sent Noah to his cabin real quick before the play starts. It seems he left some very important items unsecured on his bunk," I said with a slight fake accent. I didn't want her to recognize my voice.

"Sure thing, I'll let him know now," Lacy responded cheerfully.

"Thank you," I said quickly before hanging up. I then bolted out the door and towards the boy's cabins. I needed to get there and get ready before he arrived. 

I ran as fast as I could towards his cabin. Once I reached it I quickly retrieved the spare key I had stashed under a rock beside the stairs and unlocked the door. I went to the STAFF door and unlocked it with the same key. I lit a couple of candles, sprayed some sweet smelling air freshener, and got into position standing beside the bed. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm my breathing and I straightened my hair so it would look as attractive as possible. 

I heard the door open a few moments later and footsteps coming inside. 

"Hello?" I heard Noah's voice.

"In here," I said sweetly. I heard the footsteps come closer and soon he was standing in the doorway. His hair was neatly combed over and he was wearing a black button down dress shirt with the sleeves halfway rolled up, dark blue jeans, and black dress shoes. It made my heart beat a little faster at the sight of him.

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" he asked, staying where he was in the door way.

"I came for you, Noah," I said, my voice smooth and enticing.

I saw him swallow hard and I knew this was my moment. I gave him a seductive smile and pulled apart the long coat before letting it slowly slide off my shoulders to the floor. Underneath were the special clothes I had put on before. They consisted of red lace matching underwear and bra, a red garter belt, and black stockings. The lace showed off enough but nothing at all. It was the perfect outfit to draw him in.  

His eyes went wide and I took a step towards him. "Noah..." I said sweetly.

He quickly looked down and put up his hand to stop me. "Noah?" I said a bit concerned. This was not going as I had planned. He quickly turned around as he shook his head. I walked up behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders before letting them trailed down his back. I could feel his muscles tense and ripple as my fingers glided over them.

"Stop," he said quietly. It was like he was trying to find his voice after losing it. 

"Shh, its okay," I said, trying to calm him, "let me take the lead." My hands started to move from his lower back to around his hips and towards his stomach.

"Stop!" he said more firmly. I jumped at the intensity in his voice. He gently, yet firmly, grabbed my hands and dropped them off of him. I pulled my hands close to my chest, unsure of what was going on. I had never been rejected before.

"Get out," he said pointing towards the door. His voice was gruff but he still had his back to me and refused to look at me.

"But..." I said quietly, trying to save the moment.

"Get out!" he said again. It sounded like there was anger in his voice. 

I suddenly felt immensely self conscious and I was very aware I was barely wearing anything. My face flushed hot and I quickly backed up to the bed. I retrieved the coat from the floor and tightly wrapped it around me. Casting one last glance at Noah I brushed passed him and left the cabin. He didn't move from his spot, nor said another word to me. 

I couldn't believe I had just been rejected. I've never been rejected! This was definitely a mistake, and for the first time in my life I was worried about what the consequences would be.  

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