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"She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26

It was strange to see Chloe leave dinner so suddenly, but I figured she got caught up doing something, which is why she didn't come back to eat. I figured she volunteered to help wash dishes, which is why she didn't walk back with us. She'll probably be in soon. I thought as I climbed under the pink covers on my bed. I laid down in my bunk, said my nightly prayers, and went to sleep thinking of my Savior.

The morning light shone through the window and gently touched my face. I awoke with a smile, I had the feeling today was going to be a good day. Wiping my girly blonde hair out of my face I gave a huge stretch before folding together my hand and interlacing the finger. I praised God for such a wonderful night's rest, the blessing of waking up again, and praise for having another opportunity and day to bring Him honor and glory. With my spirits raised and my happiness through the roof I suddenly had a million activities run through my head of what I wanted to do today.

"Hey bestie!" I called down to the bottom bunk. I thought I heard a groan so I kept going as I sat up and grabbed my activity book I had placed under my pillow. The frilly, pink pen was still inside it where I had marked my place for the day.

"I was thinking after breakfast we could head over to the horse barn for some horsey time, then we could have lunch, come back for a quick shower," I scanned down the page of activities as I checked off things, "then we could go to the choir, or there is a Bible study group we could do instead..."

"Who are you talking to?" one of the girls interrupted my rambling. She had her bag of toiletries and a towel was thrown over her shoulder. She was standing at the bottom of my bunk about to head into the bathroom. I think her name was Jennifer. 

"I'm talking to Chloe. Trying to plan our day."

"Who?" she asked as she looked at me like I lost my mind.

"To Chloe, on the bottom..." I rolled over the edge to look at the bed below me, "...bunk." Jennifer shook her head then walked into the bathroom. I stared at the bunk and wondered where Chloe had gone. It was so early and the morning, and the covers looked like they hadn't been touched all night. Either that or she does a fabulous job of making up her bed. I hoped it was the latter. 

Biting my bottom lip I pulled myself back up and twirled a curl around my finger. Was she okay? Did something happen? She didn't come back to dinner, did she go into the woods?  The questions continued as I got dressed and got ready for the day. Was she helping the councilors with something? Did she get in trouble?  I turned in my activity book as I walked out the door and joined the other group of girls going up to breakfast. My worry was building and I kept looking around hoping to see her. God, I silently prayed as I looked up at the crystal blue sky, please let her be okay. 

I then felt a peace in my heart and a Bible verse in my head "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -John 14:27. 

"Thank you," I quietly whispered. I knew my God was in control and there was no need for me to worry, but my heart still felt a little heavy at not seeing her. There was something about her that drew me in completely. I had the feeling we would be fast friends, but she seemed to try to push everyone away. This only pulled me in more but I had to be careful and not overwhelm her. That was a hard thing for me to do, as my parents have told me more than once, that I tend to overwhelm people on initial greeting with my quirky looks and energetic happiness. I couldn't help it though. I was blessed with a beautiful life and home, and I wanted to sing the songs in my heart about my Savior to all who would listen. 

The main cabin was bustling as people moved around here and there to get food, drinks, or say good morning to a friend. My group of girls were a little later than others, but we still had an hour until breakfast time was officially over. That was one little detail that I loved about this camp. We were all treated as adults. We could come and go as we please for meals because they were set in block time frames. As long as you made the time frame the main doors would be unlocked and you could come eat. As soon as you finished you could head to your individual activities. If you were early you could just hang around in the area. The freedom was nice as long as you followed the simple rules of staying away from the boy's cabins and be where you say you'll be. 

I got in line with the others and filled my plate with fresh fruit from the fruit bar. I then followed along to the breakfast buffet and added scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns to my plate. I grabbed my fork and napkin at the end then found a place to sit. Noah soon came over and sat across from me.

"I thought going to camp was a chance to get away from you," I joked as I stabbed a piece of watermelon.

"You'll never be rid of me," he joked back, "Have you seen your friend? Chloe? She didn't come back after leaving so quickly."

I shook my head, as my mouth was still full of watermelon. I chewed quickly and swallowed. "No, and it doesn't seem like she came to bed either. I'm a little worried." I looked up at him. I could see the concern on his face, which was peculiar. Usually Noah didn't show any interest in girls, he was too focused on his studies, "Why?" I asked.

He shook his head and looked down at his food. He pushed around his hash browns with his fork, "No reason. Just a weird dinner is all."

I looked at him for a moment then went back to my own breakfast. There was definitely a reason but I've learned over the years that Noah will talk about it in his own time. He has to take time to think it through and pray about it before he brings it up with anyone. I would know his thoughts soon enough.

"So what do you have planned for the day?" I asked.

"Bible studies mostly, then basketball later this afternoon," he responded as he stabbed a couple pieces of eggs. 

I grinned at his response. He wanted to become a Pastor one day, and was currently looking at Bible colleges to go to. Of course he would spend his day in Bible studies. 

"Well," he said as he shoveled the rest of his food into this mouth, "I'll see you around."

"Have a good day," I said as Noah collected his plate and fork and waved a quick goodbye. He pushed the chair back under the table with his leg and went to put his dishes in the dish bin. He then met up with some other boys and they left the cabin. 

I pushed my food around some more. I wanted to eat but the sadness in my heart was returning. I really wanted to know if Chloe was okay. Last time I felt this sad was when I was five, right before I went to my home that adopted me. I just couldn't remember why...

The breeze from the door opening caught my attention and I looked up. Relief swept over me in a giant wave and I sent all sorts of praises and thank yous to Heaven above. Chloe walked in. She was safe! I was about to call her over but then I noticed that she had walked in with Don. Was she in trouble? 

They ate quickly then went back out. Even though Chloe was freshly showered she still looked miserable. I wanted to hug her, but I had to go to my own activity. I finished up my own breakfast then headed up to the horse barn. 

It was a wonderful time up there with the horses. As I was walking back to the cabin to shower I saw Chloe and Don further down cleaning up some glass. What had happened? Don was speaking to Chloe, but she had a face of stone. Soon Don left and Chloe looked like she wanted to punch something. I chewed my bottom lip as I stood there, wondering if I should go say something to Chloe or go inside the cabin. The questions were burning in me to know where she had been and if she was okay. I toyed with the decision more, but the answer was soon given to me. 

Chloe was walking my direction. 

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