Starting Again

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"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Noah gently shook me awake as we got closer to town. I sat up straight in my seat and rubbed my eyes. I squinted against the light and tried to find something familiar in my surroundings. Eventually my eyes adjusted and I looked out the window. We were pulling into the bus stop. I could see the crowd of family members standing a ways off, waiting for the bus to stop. Looking back at Noah I did a quick glance of his shoulder to ensure I didn't drool on it anywhere. Seeing nothing I breathed a small sigh of relief and looked back out the window, trying to spot the Steadmans in the crowd. 

The bus stopped and everyone began to grab their belongings and head off the bus. Noah stood up and entered the line, but I waited a bit to let the chaos calm down a bit. Once most of the campers had left I slung my backpack over my shoulder and stood to exit the bus. When I got off I blinked a minute till my eyes adjusted to the brighter light. I went over to where everyone was getting their suitcases and picked mine out of the pile. Molly came running over to me.

"Hey! I wanted to catch you before we left. Here is my number and address. We should meet up some time and just, I don't know, hang out or something," she giggled. 

"I would love that, thank you," I smiled as I accepted the piece of paper she gave me. I then pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back tighter. 

A few more tearful goodbyes and Molly finally left to go find her parents. I pulled my suitcase along as I scanned the crowd. People were moving around each other, suitcases were becoming a blur, and I could hear the screams and cries as families were reunited. I stood still for a moment, as I couldn't find my foster parents. As I scanned the crowd I soon heard my name being faintly called. I spun to my right and saw Jane and George standing on the edge of the crowd. Jane was waving to me. I grabbed the handle of suitcase and pushed my way through the crowd towards them. As I got closer they started their way towards me and before I knew it Jane had me wrapped in her arms. The tears came suddenly and fast, and my heart hurt. I wasn't sure why, but it didn't feel like a bad hurt. 

I gently pulled out of the hug, "I'm... I'm so sorry," I choked out, "I'm so sorry." I had planned a whole speech, but the words completely left my mind. All I could say was those three words. 

Jane gently caressed my face and wiped away a tear with her thumb, "It's okay, sweet Chloe. We forgive you."

I looked over at George. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I knew I was forgiven, and I dare say loved. When he ended the hug George reached around me and grabbed my suitcase. Jane put her arm around my shoulders and together we went back to the car.

"Tell me everything about this summer," Jane said with a smile.

"I don't know where to begin," I laughed. I wasn't going to tell them everything just yet, but I was excited to share about Molly and my acceptance into God's family.


I spent the next couple weeks working hard at studying for my GED. I had a new councilor assigned to me, and I visited her twice a week to work on my personal issues. Molly and I kept in contact nearly every day. It was hard going back home, because my spiritual life was now up to me, but I knew I had help when I needed it. The nightly Bible studies became my favorite part of the day. The Bible in my desk now had a permanent home on the top and I read it whenever I could. Church was no longer torture, it was something I really looked forward to. 

"Chloe! Please come to the kitchen!" I heard Jane call. I closed my math book and rubbed my temples. Gosh, I really hated math. I stretched then headed downstairs.

"Yes?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Please take a seat," George said as he motioned towards the empty seat at the dining table in front of him and Jane. I slowly sat down as I looked at them and the stack of papers in front of them. My heart started beating wildly. This was it, this was the moment they send me back to the Home. I felt lightheaded and nauseous. 

"We wanted to talk to you about something," George said. 

"What is it?" I asked quietly. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I prepared myself for the heartbreak I was about to experience. 

"George and I were wondering if you..." she looked at her husband before continuing, "would like to be adopted by us?" Her face shone with a smile.

"A... adopted?" I couldn't believe it. Was this a joke? Did I hear right? Was I dreaming? "You want to adopt me?" 

"Yes," Jane said through tears and George nodded as well.

"You want to adopt me," the tears were falling like rain and I placed my face in my hands. I couldn't believe it. I felt Jane wrap me in a hug and she was crying too. When I composed myself I wiped my face and looked at George. His face was also wet from tears. He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Chloe, all we have to do is sign," he glanced at the paperwork. I nodded, as I still hadn't found my voice, and he and Jane grabbed the pens beside the papers. When they opened up the folders I could see the adoption paperwork, and my heart sored. As they signed the tears started up fresh again, but they were happy tears. I had a family! I was wanted! I was loved! Once they were done they pulled me into a hug again and we all cried together- as a family. 

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