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"He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength."  Isaiah 40:29

I slowly let out the breath I didn't realize I had been holding. My heart was beating a million miles an hour and my knees suddenly felt weak. I sat down cross legged on the floor, clasped my hand together and rested them on my forehead as I closed my eyes. 

"Lord, thank you for giving me the strength to say no," I prayed. When I was saved I decided to make a vow that I would save myself for marriage to the girl the Lord provided for me. Many questioned me on it and at times others made fun of me for it, but I felt in my heart it was something I wanted to do.

Taking another deep breath I stood up, blew out the candles she had lit, and left the cabin. As I shut the main door I felt my face flush hot as I thought about Chloe. Goodness, she was stunning! She was absolutely beautiful and perfect, and she didn't even know it. She was obviously using her looks to get what she wanted, and it seemed she wasn't used to being told no. It pained my heart a little to think that a creature so perfectly made and absolutely beautiful was so misguided and broken. 

I walked back towards the play, but my heart was beating fast and I tried to take deep breaths to calm it. Would she have gone to the play? Back to her cabin? I embarrassed her so there is no telling where she could be right now. Did she have her belly pierced? I only took a quick glance. I shook my head at the invasion of thoughts. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. As if she didn't already plague my everything thought and dream, now I had a vivid visual to add to it all. Is this was it's like to like someone? I couldn't help but grin like a little school boy at the thought.

"Hi, Noah, did you get everything secured back up?" Ms. Lacy asked as I rejoined the group of people watching the play.

"Yes, ma'am, I did," I said with a smile.

"Okay, good. Just make sure everything is good to go before you leave your cabin from now on," she said happily. If only she knew what really happened.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be more careful," I said as I returned the key back to her that she let me use to unlock my cabin. I obviously didn't need it. 

I went back to my friends and finished watching the play with them. I scanned the crowds every now and then, but I never caught sight of Chloe. Why was I so disappointed by that?

The next morning at breakfast I grabbed a bowel and one of the small packages of cereal. Beside it were small milk cartons so I grabbed on of those and went to find my sister, Molly. I wanted to talk to her and tell her everything that had happened. Even though she was technically adopted, ever since my parents told me about her, and eventually brought her home, she became my little sister. I would do everything to protect her, especially after her first couple months with my family. For whatever reason she kept crying and saying God would hate her for leaving the Home. I didn't understand why she was so upset, but over time she cheered up and the subject was lost to time. 

I soon saw her bouncing curls across the room. She had them tied up in a pony tail with a pink ribbon. That girl sure loved pink. I did a quick scan across the room to see if I could see Chloe, but I saw nothing. Again, why was I so disappointed?

"Hey, you," I said as I sat across from her.

"Seriously, Noah," she said with fake annoyance, "are you obsessed with me or something? Camp is my time." She said the last part while placing her hand on her chest and looking at me like I was a naughty child. I couldn't help but laugh which got her to smile and giggle too.

"What's up, dork," she asked as she started to cut her pancakes. Suddenly I couldn't say anything. I had been rehearsing my entire Chloe speech in my head all morning, but now I didn't know if I wanted to say anything. I wanted to tell her what had happened, but suddenly it didn't feel like the right time. I knew better than to ignore my gut feeling, so I just shook my head.

"Not much, what do you have planned for the day?" I asked as I poked around at my cereal. I didn't have much of an appetite with all the knots in my stomach. 

"So, much planned!" she said cheerfully. I knew this would get her talking so I wouldn't have to. "I'm starting the day down at the courts. I'm going to be playing tennis with a girl named Samantha. Then I decided to take a couple of hours to myself, maybe nap or something, then Chloe and I will be going to the lake events. I think its tubing or water skiing or something. Noah? Are you okay? You're turning red.." 

I didn't realize her very name could make my heart beat faster. Thoughts of red lace and sugary voice flooded my mind and I felt my face turning hot.

"I'm fine, just hot," I said as I look down at my dry cereal. I dipped my head a bit lower in the hopes she wouldn't look at my face too much.

"Oh, okay then," she said. I could tell she was studying me for a moment before she went back to her own breakfast. 

I looked to my left at the sounds of laughter and saw Chloe standing in line to get her breakfast. She looked like she hadn't slept a wink last night. Her usual tight fitting clothes were gone, and were replaced by a baggy hoodie and shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun and her makeup looked left over from last night. She was a hot mess... emphasis on the word hot. How did she make messy look so good. She was still so beautiful...

She lazily looked around the room and our eyes met. Her eyes widened when she saw me. I tried offering a smile but she quickly straightened and looked away. 

I knew I had to say something. I said a quick goodbye to Molly, grabbed my bowel, and headed to Chloe. She tried to act like I wasn't there but I came over to her anyway.

"Can I talk to you," I asked as I stood beside her in the breakfast line.

"Talk," she said without looking at me.

"In private," I said a bit more quietly, yet urgently. She cut me a look of death, but I watched her shoulders fall in defeat. She nodded, but didn't say anything as I led the way outside. I could feel Molly's eyes burning into my back and I knew I would have some explaining to do eventually.

I led her a little ways away from the main cabin, but still in sight of anyone who would pass by. I wanted to speak about what had happened, but still maintain that proper decency. She seemed uneasy while still trying to maintain an air of 'I don't care'. She crossed her arms and leaned more on one leg. She didn't look at me.

"Chloe. What happened last night was completely inappropriate. It should never have happened, it will never happen, and no matter how I feel..." I trailed off when I realized I was rambling. She was looking at me now, and those emerald green eyes were mesmerizing. There was something in her eyes, something that she was hiding, but it was trying to work its way out. 

"I'm not going to tell anyone," I ended lamely. I didn't have that fire in me anymore, and instead I felt sorry for her. 

I could see relief written all over her face, but her words didn't match. "Whatever," she said, looking away from me again, "I don't care."

"Come to Bible study with me today," I didn't plan to say those words. It felt like my mouth was talking without my brain connecting. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" she asked.

"Come to Bible study with me," I said more gently.

She looked away again and shifted her weight to her other leg. She chewed her bottom lip while she thought about my request. I stared at those plump lips for a moment before quickly looking away. No time to be thinking of such things now. 

"Okay," she said quietly. So quietly I almost missed it.

"Okay," I repeated her, then felt silly. I didn't know what to say next. 

"Where is it going to be at?" she asked me in a sarcastic tone. I once again had to meet those emerald eyes. 

"In the gymnasium," I answered, the butterflies back in my stomach.

She just nodded, paused a moment, then walked back to the cabin. I didn't know if she'd actually come, but I sent a small prayer up for her... and me. 

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