The Runaway

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It's been about two weeks since everything took place and Thuxa has learned a lot. Thuxa has confirmed her theory about what Xyzo is trying to, constantly showing her luxury just to have the idea of marrying him more bearable. She would also learn about what happened to the rest of her clan. The prisoners are just as that. Prisoners and forced laborers. It pained Thuxa to see them go from being happy and free to be degraded as mere slaves. And lastly, she would learn about the sheer animosity that developed for Suban's Wrath from other clans after they took over the Eyes of Sangheilios. The Eyes of Sangheilios was very respected by most of the other clans due to what the clan focused on. They were scientists, and they were well known for creating and sending out ships that explored to new worlds and systems and surveyed them. Making a bunch of star maps for all Sangheili to benefit from. For that, most clans agreed to leave them alone. All except one it seems. And now the rest of the clans resent Suban's Wrath for what they done. 

These past weeks, Thuxa has been getting more and more angry with Xyzo's constant pandering to her. And she's at the breaking point. The whole time she's been coming up with a plan to escape, and escape is what she's gonna do. She knows the lands all too well, each exit, which ones are more guarded than others. And tonight was gonna be the night. It was evening and after dinner, Xyzo would walk up to Thuxa and give her a kiss on the cheek "I'll see you tomorrow, my love." He says with his usual cocky grin. Thuxa pushed him back and yelled "I am not YOUR love! For the last time!" Xyzo's only response was to laugh and walk out of the room, getting Thuxa even more angry. If only the guards weren't always around and if only he wasn't a more skillful warrior then her, she would've killed him long ago. His time will come though, she thought to herself. 

But first she had to get out. When it was late at night, she would sneak herself out of her quarters that her and Xyzo would be sharing and sneak down the hallway, at times stopping and hiding to hide from guards passing and such. Staying completely undetected, she manages to make her way inside the armory. After one last look to make sure no one saw her, she grabbed her Scion armor and put it on as quick as she can. Then she would walk to the small weapon's cabinet that they have, seeing that it's locked. With quick thinking, she would grab a nearby crowbar and slamming the lock multiple times before it breaks. She would drop the crowbar and opens the locker and pulls out both a plasma rifle and a plasma pistol. 

Before she could turn around, she would hear someone approach her, a guard. The guard would speak up saying "What are you doing in here?! You're supposed to be in bed, ma'am." He would then go to grab Thuxa's arm and she was quick to act, quickly swiping around and hitting him across the face with her plasma rifle, destroying his shields instantly. Thuxa would then grab his shoulder and shoots him multiple times in the chest until he fell down and died. Thuxa stood there and stared at the body, she felt terrible about killing him. Thuxa has never killed another soul before, let alone another Sangheili. But she knew it was necessary for herself and her clan. She couldn't stand there for long, she needed to move. 

After swiping a few grenades off of the guard, she would run upstairs to see two more guards running towards. She was quick to shoot them as she ran for one of the side exits. She was quite fast compared to the two guards, and they both retreated after one of their shields got broken. The alarms started to blare in the manor as she crashed herself into the exit, bursting the door open. As she saw multiple groups of guards running toward her, she would use those two plasma grenades she looted and threw them at the groups, killing multiple guards with two blasts. She then broke into a full sprint, running as far away as she can, she kept moving without a thought of stopping. And soon she reached the borders of her land. 

Thankfully, they didn't have time to reinforce the exits. So her and the three guards that were stationed there broke out into a firefight. Thuxa then started to duel wield both of her weapons and killed all three of them the same way, shooting a charged blast of her plasma pistol to break their shields and finishing them off with her plasma rifle. Thuxa was far from the best warrior, but she's seen what strategies Sangheili soldiers use on the battlefield, and with her sheer determination, was able to pull them off. She then ran away, ran off of the lands, kept running away from the place she called home for many years. But this was not goodbye, she would claim back what she have lost. This is the start of Thuxa'Nayamee's new goal. A goal of vengence for her, her husband, her children, and her clan. But first, she had to get away.  

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