Prologue P1: 19BBY

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"Ahsoka Tano, serious charges have been left against you."

Yoda's voice echoed through the tower while Anakin Skywalker paced back and forth in the small space that was offered to him in the trial room. With Orla Dume's temple guard mask covering her parallel vision, she couldn't see Anakin's growing worried and impatience with the council next to her. Orla had never seen anyone love their padawan the way Anakin loved Ahsoka. Orla envied the amount of time he spent with her, if only her master cared the same way. She looked up to her master Yoda as he listens to Ahsoka plead for her life and that she would never kill the innocent. In a way, it was also a trial for Anakin, if she loses he will be seen as a master who trained a killer. 

Orla didn't believe the blame belonged to Ahsoka but the evidence said otherwise. Yoda reminded her once that searching for the truth was easy, but accepting it was hard, and that was when she had asked about Dooku, his padawan before her.

The pau'an Jedi, Rakesh nudged her from staring up at her master, "keep your eyes on Anakin," he whispered. While Orla couldn't see his expression, she could feel the tension and dislike towards Anakin. It wasn't uncommon, Anakin was a love or hate him kind of guy but hate leads to the dark side as Yoda said so she forced herself to find the good qualities in him.

Orla's a Jedi sentinel, more commonly known as a temple guard and could sense dangerous and dark forces around them. It was why they were chosen to protect the temple during the war. And that's all she could sense in the temple. More and more she found herself looking behind her as if someone was watching her. Yoda told her it was because the temple was built on the sith shirne and any dark prensces were from sith long ago but she felt differently. There was something else lurking

"Clouded by the dark side, these things are Padawan Tano, dangerously clouded, but not just surrounding you but surrounding many things in these times," Yoda spoke.

Orla couldnt sense any danger or darkness in Ahsoka, rather in her master Anakin who shouts out to Yoda that the council has already decided Ahsoka's fate. Many of the guards sensed darkness around Anakin, but he was the chosen one it's not like anyone was willing to speak up against the council. I mean, look what happened to Ahsoka, and she might not have even done it.

Orla continued to watch Anakin's movements carefully, seeing his face wander from worry to anger. Thus, she gripped her lightsaber tighter in her hand keeping her fingers close to the ignition button in case Anakin was to lash out.

"It is the council's opinion that Padawan Ahsoka Tano has committed sedition against the Republic and thus she will be expelled from the Jedi order."

It was almost immediate that Anakin stepped forward only to be blocked by the blades from both Orlas and the Pau'an Jedi's golden blades. Anakin took a long cold stare into the eyes of Orla, only to be looked back by the dark holes from the mask, unable to recognise her. He released and stood back while Ahsoka came back down the platform while the council took away her title, status, ranks, everything she worked for. Orla watched the other temple guard harshly snap the silka beads from the former padawans' head and return to his spot as a protocol by the council.

More and more Orla found herself disagreeing with the council. Jedi were being referred to as "general" rather than master and Orla wondered how long they could go on like this, 3 years of this war and not much to show from it. Dooku, Grievous, Maul and Ventress are all still alive and no one knows who or where Darth Sideous could be. She didn't understand why. The same year the clone wars began was the same year Yoda offered her the role of master and Jedi Sentinel so she was no stranger to the battlefield before the war and didn't stop her training even without her master. With most Jedi out fighting battle droids, the training arena was mostly free to use. If she kept training maybe by some miracle Yoda would notice she could fight too, she could fight Dooku, or Maul or Grievous.

Or sometimes after her shift she would wander around Coroscant. Her home planet, Lothal, was much different, quiet and peaceful. Like most Jedi she was taken very young but sometimes she remembered images of her parents, her brother, her home. Luckiy enough her brother was with her.

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