Chapter 13: Sparks

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Everyone stood around Wrecker who lay inside. The room was still, buttons tapped loudly as Tech worked with the controls while the rest waited for a good sign. Waiting was the worst part, it had taken a few minutes for Tech to finish the last steps of the procedure. He would often clean off the sweat setting on his forehead, the pressure seeping into him to keep his brother alive.

"Is it supposed to take this long?" Echo expressed concern.

"I'm not sure, I've never been on this end of it," Rex answers honestly.

Tech stood and anxiously fixed his goggles, Wrecker is brought out from the procedure. Omega's excitement drops when Wrecker doesn't respond to her, she shook him but still received no answer.

"He should be awake by now," she worried and Tech analyzed his vitals.

"He is alive but his vitals have not stabilized, we won't know more until he has regained consciousness."

Orla checked on Omega while Rex and Hunter discuss.

"This may be a while, why don't you take topside and get some air," Rex suggested but Omega refused, overhearing their conversation.

"I'm staying until he wakes up," she drags a chair next to rest with him Wrecker. Orla left her and brushes the two clones. Hunter sees her reach into her pocket and disappear out the door before he can get a good look. Rex, seeing Hunter gazing, knows what he's thinking.

"It's a Jedi thing, best to leave her for a bit," Rex patted him hard on the back. Rex wondered back where Echo and Tech were standing, while Hunter followed her.


Outside, he heard another voice speak. Orla was sat at the edge of a gap in the ship, the Holocron floating above her. She was in deep concentration, her body was still, her mind clear, aware of Hunter's presence but didn't allow herself to feel to take much notice. The message she had played to herself many times as a reminder of what she abandoned was speaking, Hunter could hear,

" not return to the temple, that time has passed and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged, by our trust, our faith, and our friendships, but we must preserve and in time a new hope will emerge. May the force be with you, always."

When Obi-Wan's figure disappeared a single tear glided down her face to her neck. She wiped it away, the first movement she made since Hunter first entered. Without needing to touch it or move it, the Holocron switched to a star system map. It projected wider, the planets and stars covering where she sat while Hunter still didn't speak a word. Ord Mantell appeared on the map, she must have been planning where she was going next. He couldn't let her leave without answers.

"Orla?" he addressed but received no response. Instead of trying to be louder, he sat next to her, dangling his legs over the edge. Her eyes were closed and were breathing deeply now, looking like she could have been in some kind of trance. He waited to see if she noticed him, gathering everything he could ask.

"Who's Tyranus?" he eventually spat out.

Her eyes opened. "I was wondering if you were gonna say anything."

"You knew I was here?"

"You weren't exactly stealthy. For someone called Hunter you're very loud."

"Who is he?" he asked again desperately, unwilling to go off track again.

"Hunter you don't understand how complicated this is-"

"Just tell me, you don't have to tell the others, just tell me. I have the right to know what this thing is."

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