Chapter 5: Truth hurts

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"Saw!" Orla called out. Saw turned back from the camp, packing the last of the supplies, ready to depart.

"I hope you're coming here to say you've thought of a plan," he said with no optimism, stashing away a box of explosives into his ship.

"I got a transmission from Rex, I'm going to Saleucami."

Saw's head immediately turned away from what he was doing. "Rex? Captain Rex, you can't he's a clone"

"Maybe he didn't, maybe whatever this is didn't affect him? He spoke about a chip, that this chip is what made them turn,so the clones had no control over what they were doing," she stopped when she noticed Saw had been pretending not to listen while placing the med kits with the explosives; where they don't belong.

"What?" she said with sympathy, expecting something to be wrong.

"You seem to always run head first into danger, my planet, for example, wasn't a safe place for a Jedi on the run but you do it anyway. You didn't even know me?"

"So? I'm not getting your point."

He rolled his eyes, "just be careful, they're really hunting you now. This could all be a trick, Rex, he could be luring you into something."

"He's not, I just know."

 "Well then," Saw reached out his hand and she took it for a handshake. Saw was appreciative of her company, she was honest, helpful, and a natural leader. Without her, he may have ended up in the Separatist's hands.

"May the force be with you Master Dume," he respectfully bowed his head.

"And may it be with us all," she repeated his action and readied her ship. Orla had everything prepped: rations, fuel, a few explosives given to her by Saw, her blaster, her lightsaber, and her Holocron. Then suddenly she found it very hard to leave, there was no war to fight anymore, and she wasn't sure exactly what she was going to do. Sitting by the controls was the beacon she had left on the Marauder. The Bad Batch had landed on Kamino as she thought and she wanted to get to Saleucami before they made another jump.

According to the Holocron, she was using to study her destination, Saleucami was a backwater planet that had stayed out during most of the clone wars. The only useful knowledge she had was that there was an invasion led by General Grievous when his ship crashed. She couldn't understand what was so special about this place that Rex would hide there or how he got in contact with this other clone.

Her ship exited hyperspace over the oasis planet. She could tell it was night as the entire planet was dark only a couple of dots of lights from possible civilisation and one was right by Rex's coordinates. If it was Coruscant you wouldn't be able to tell night from day in space, it was always light up by ciy lights. The coordinates were over extensive farmland, she landed on the wetlands not far where she could see a small barn surrounded by fences and crops. Opening her ship's doors and collecting her blaster, saber and Holocron, she wrapped her poncho around her neck and shoulders and dropped the Holocron into her pocket. While doing this, she felt someone creeping cautiously closer to the ship.

"Orla?" A voice said, hiding in the dark. She ignited her saber and Rex's figure came into focus at the open doors.

"I didn't think you would come, Master Dume," he greeted her.

"Rex," she felt more stupid by each passing second standing with her lightsaber still ignited not sure what was the right thing to say and instead staring at Rex's smile broadening on his face. No kind of chip could make that bright of a smile.

"Glad you're ok," she managed to say. She stood still for a minute, not knowing to hug him, put her saber down, and approach him but he made the first move anyway.

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