Chapter 8: Greetings

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Hunters POV:

Hunter decided temporarily let go of the Jedi he was fixated on. He reoriented his focus to protecting Omega.

The squad's initial plan was to lay low on Idaflor where it was inhabited, but they were out of supplies and had no choice but to stock up on the nearest planet, Pantora.

Tech flew the ship across the populated city, Ro Station, in the middle of a swamp territory with mountains watching in the background. Echo and Hunter changed into their disguises instead of their usual clone armour in order to blend with the citizens. Tech and Wrecker were sent to deal with the one in charge of the refuelling depot, then take out anything valuable from the ship they could use to sell while Hunter, Echo and Omega were in charge of the supply run. Although Wrecker argued it to be "sightseeing"

"Why do Tech and I have to do all the repairs while you get to go sightseeing!"

"Sightseeing?" Omega's curious ears perked at the word but Hunter quickly turned it down.

"No, no, no, no this is a supply run. In and out quickly and quietly." Hunter hoped but knew trouble always seems to find his squad one way or another.

"Yeah, and you stick out too much," Echo eyed Wrecker who kept his armour on.

"Oh, and you don't?" Wrecker argued back, insulted.

"Not dressed like this," Echo closed down a homemade droid disguise which fit in perfectly with his cyborg look.

"Alright let's get moving, Omega you're with us," Hunter quickly moved on while Omega excitedly took off with Echo and Hunter.

"Hey, bring back something good to eat," Wrecker shouted back as they ventured off into the streets.

Orlas POV:

Orla stayed hidden beneath the crowded streets, waiting to spot the batch of clones wandering around. She had been right about Pantora when she spotted their ship landing at the depot. Keeping her poncho covering the majority of her face including her eyes, she used the force to feel where she was going rather than seeing. "Eyes can be deceiving, do not trust them" as her former master would say. It seemed like a normal day in the Ro Station, the marketplace flooded with people buying and trading food, she even spotted a few tooka cats on the way. Nothing was triggering her senses or making her look twice until she found a crowd of people cheering for the troopers who marched past. They were celebrating the war, or at least what they thought was the end of the war. Around them was a recording of Vice Admiral Rampart encouraging citizens to register for chain codes. Orla panicked, thinking Zelda had lent her Old Republic credits but she hadn't. There were chain codes and plenty of Imperial credits inside the pouch.

Things are changing faster than I anticipated.

She was scanning around the people she was near until a small group caught her eye. She recognised him instantly, the clone Hunter was standing beneath the crowd with a type of droid she had never seen before and a young girl. What were they doing with a child? They can't be with the Empire unless they've got them working deep undercover, but with a kid? The girl wore a Kaminoan uniform and short locks of blonde hair, and from where she could see, she looked around 3'6. Orla stepped back a few paces to avoid them seeing her while she watched Hunter turn his head to gaze around.

Hunter's POV;

Hunter, Echo and Omega made it to where there was a gathering of people around a parade of troopers celebrating the Clone Wars ending and the Empire's rise. There stood a Holocron of one of the Empire's members giving a speech that was projected to the nearby citizens but Hunter couldn't listen to what it had to say, rather he couldn't fathom about how quickly everything was transitioning from Republic to Empire.

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