Chapter 24: The end of one Journey

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The Kamino facility turned into a war zone. Sparking wires dangled from the ceiling, cutting off the electricity, and Orla started to get used to the ringing in her ear from the alarms. Having to use the force to ease the pain in her back, she barely caught Hunter shouting to go. Go where she wasn't sure of.

Explosions from the ships blast fire, firing left and right until one caught them from the front. They were knocked to the floor, a loud ringing noise shot down each one of their ears. The ceilings were lower, something must have crashed on top of them or she was seeing things, both of them could be true at this point.

The legs holding up the facility came crashing down and with that everyone was inside. Orla spotted Crosshair waking up as the ground started to slant, she grabbed onto his hand and slowed them down by embedding the floor with her lightsaber. The rest had slid further down and they became separated by a malfunctioning blast door. Hopefully, he had not fully awoken to see that.

When she heard the doors close she carefully allowed Crosshair to safely slide down to the solid ground. There was no other way but to join him, the water was rising and the ship jerked again and they were both knocked unconscious from the large falling debris knocked off from the explosion.

A few minutes after that it seemed that they were in an entirely different room, the water levels were rising past their knees and taking them up the collapsed ceiling. Orla didn't take long to remove the parts from her but the cut on her back had been exposed and she needed to replace the bandage. Another tear from her robes would have to suffice. The water dripped into the room as if it was raining inside and she activated both blades of her lightsaber to free Crosshair.

Still unconscious, he lay trapped under a compartment. She didn't think to contact Hunter or the rest, in a panic she had forgotten she even had a comlink. At first, it frightened her when she heard someone trying to force the doors open but then she registered that the others must have woken up and figured out where they were.

"Orla, come in," Hunter said through the comm.

"Yeah I'm here, the room is flooding, and Crosshair's stuck but I think I can get him out of it."

Cautiously, she was able to pull off the largest piece of the compartment and use the force to wake his mind. Maybe she should have done that after she had gotten the last and somehow heaviest piece off his legs.

"Get this off of me," Crosshair said angrily but Orla felt his fear. The water was was at their neck and she couldn't get herself to fully concentrate. She took a breath and used her saber underwater to cut him free, being careful of his limbs, not because she was worried she might nip them but because she knew Crosshair would have something to say about it. She emerged from the water and looked to Crosshair who noticed her saber.

"You're a Jedi?" he growled

"Not for long unless we get out of here," she brushed it off

His legs were moving too much and she had to get him to relax. She couldn't say anything underwater but a gentle touch of the arm and a consoling nod seemed to do the trick. He stopped moving and allowed her to cut him free. She pulled him up where there was little air left and dived back down to get the door. She could see Wrecker's knife poking out so she didn't push it all the way but only a bit as a warning. Once she saw Wrecker's knife move she pushed the saber through and cut the doors open to let herself and Crosshair out.

Once they were safe with the rest they closed the doors to stop the flooding.

"What have you done?" Crosshair panted from exhaustion, barely holding himself up.

"The Empire opened fire on the city, we weren't going to leave you behind," said Hunter.

"Again?" Crosshair sneered but Orla shut the argument down.

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