Chapter 16: Please Let Me Go

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Orla hoped once Omega had sneaked past her to go to sleep, she could finally sleep too, but that wasn't the case. It was like sitting on a bed of needles, stiff and uncomfortable. The last time this happened Echo was having a panic attack but she couldn't hear anything, Echo was already fast asleep. She got up anyway and quickly jumped from her bunk, as soon as her feet touched the ground the feeling of faint shot her down. Gripping onto the bunk she looked up to see that Hunter still wasn't in his bed. Maybe the force was telling her it was Hunter she needed to check up on, but she barely had the energy to even walk. Was she finally getting tired? She wasn't sure she could pull herself back up on her bed again so she walked back down to Hunter.

Hearing footsteps, Hunter turned his chair seeing an exhausted Orla barely standing on two feet. He stood up to catch her hand while she tried to reach him.

"Are you alright?" he worried, her skin was pale and she barely held her eyelids open.

"I'm ok," she lied. Something was dragging her body down and she was fighting with everything she had to stay standing but she didn't last long.


Hunter's face filled with worry as her hand started to slip out of his, "Hunter... help me."

Her hand slipped away from his and he was able to quickly slide behind her before she hit the floor. He caught her in his good arm and settled her down to the floor, his one arm didn't have the strength to keep her up.

"Orla, Orla?" He shook her gently, pleading that maybe she was just tired but she wouldn't wake up. Panicking, he woke up Tech by dragging him out of his bunk. He took his time to stroll over, still half asleep until his eyes adjusted and he could see Orla passed out.

"I don't know what happened, she came down, she seemed tired but then she suddenly dropped."

"Ok," Tech took over and settled her down on the med-bed where Orla had assisted Hunter with his bandages. Tech started to hook her up and connect her vitals to his datapad, and he unrolled a confused face.

"I don't understand her vitals are perfectly normal, her blood levels, heart rate, and temperature are all perfectly stable. There's no reason she should have fainted. Are you sure she's unresponsive? Maybe she was just too exhausted."

"No," he said without a doubt, "the last thing she said was to help her. She's a Jedi, she has more stamina than all of us."

"Well it seems there's nothing wrong with her, I can't give her anything if there's nothing to cure," Tech said helplessly.

"I can't just sit here knowing there could be something wrong with her," Hunter pleaded.

"Hunter it is exactly like if she were just sleeping. All we can do is keep checking on her and see if her vitals change."

Hunter collapsed into his seat, accepting these terms. "Alright, then we wait."


Voices overlapped each other and panged in Orla's ear as she struggled to wake herself up. She wasn't in the Marauder.

"Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them,

In a dark place, we find ourselves and a little more knowledge lights our way,

Let the past die, kill it if you have to."

They were all mesmerising, their voices passed through her like a gust of wind. She stood deep in a dimension where time had no meaning, doors and pathways between space and time. The windows to every past, present or future event that connects to one person, the person inside.

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