Chapter 1: A Horrible Day

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"Tom, wake up! Your breakfast will get cold!" His mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Tommy sat up, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, he soon got out of bed and changed from his pajamas to normal clothes, blue jeans and a regular t-shirt.

Tommy was 12, almost 13. Today was going to be a great day! Both of his parents are off work and he'll be spending time with them.

"Tom?!" His mother yelled again, "Coming mom!" He responded.

He quickly brushed his teeth and went down the stairs, skipping a few steps when he reached the bottom.

He joined his mother and father in the kitchen and sat down at the table, he had eggs and toast for breakfast.

"Milly, will you turn up the volume on the tv?" Tommy's dad asked, "Sure, Bob."

Milly went over to the small tv that sat on the counter, she turned it up a bit.

"BREAKING NEWS: Scientists have discovered a deadly disease, a mutation in cells that change the appearance of the body! It eats away at all vital organs, Scientists say to not leave your homes and lock the doors and windows! Do not, I repeat, do not come in contact with someone showing the following traits of the disease: New or worsening fever, losing control over your body, spitting up blood, bleeding from any part of the body that wasnt inflicted. If your loved one dies from this disease, they will come back. They, however, will not be theirselves. They will turn into a host for the flesh eating virus and will eat, yes eat, any living thing near by. If you are bitten by one of the infected, you will catch the disease. May Ender have mercy on your soul."

Milly got up quick and shut off the tv and looked to her husband in fear.

Tommy was visibly pale and terrified of what was to come.

"Right, well luckly we went grocery shopping yesterday, so we should be good on food for awhile. Hopefully power works for awhile. Tommy, go make sure all the doors and windows are locked. Milly, help me with boarding doors, I want to make sure there is only one entrance." Bob said, they nodded and did their jobs, but were interupted by a knock on the door.


"Father.. mother has those symptoms. What will we do?" A young boy said, his soft green eyes, and brown fluffy hair, he couldnt be any older then 13

"I'm aware Tubbo," his father sighed, "You're friends with the boy across the street, correct?" His father asked.

"Yes, would you like me to go there? I dont want to leave you but I will if you ask." The boy, Tubbo said.

"You may have too, your mother isnt well and i want you to be safe. Pack your things, I'll take you there." He said, Tubbo nodded and began walking out of the living room.

He went down the hall and to his room, he grabbed his once school bag and dumped everything in it out. He grabbed clothes, shoes, batteries, anything he thought was important.

"Tubbo!" His father called from down the hall.

Tubbo ran out of his room, putting his bookbag on his back.

"Father can I say goodbye?" Tubbo asked, Tubbo wasnt dumb, he knew he wasnt going to see his mother again. He knew that when he leaves there's a good chance that his mother will die and come back as one of those, things.

He also knew his father wasnt going to come with him, or help him. He was a piece of shit who wanted to protect himself.

"That's why I called you, she's no longer.. Tubbo you need to go." He said, Tubbo's once soft green, happy eyes, were now full of sadness and pain. His mother was dead.

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