Chapter 9: When Worlds Collide.

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I'm killing more people because I'm salty rn 😤 (edit. Nah just angts I'm not salty no mo)

Tommy stayed close to Karl as they walked with Niki, he held his hand tightly as they followed wherever she was going.

"Hey guys, since the sun is starting to set, I suggest we find a place to stay. Just for tonight. We'll keep moving tomorrow." She suggested, Tommy paid no attention to her, he just readjusted his bookbag to sit better on his shoulders.

"Sounds good." Karl said, Niki gave them a kind smile. She realizes how many people they have lost and she wants to make them feel as safe as they possibly can, but she knows, ultimately, they are scared of the same thing happening to them, them turning and attacking the ones they love.

"Cool. I suggest we go a little longer we're almost out of town. When we are, there's a gas station we can stay at." She explained, Karl hummed, "Thats fine. How do we know we can trust you though?" He asked, Tommy perked up to the question and looked at Karl.

Niki stopped and turned to them, "You cant, and I don't even know if I can trust you. But I know, just like you, I'm trying to survive. I'm also trying to find my brother. His name is Jack. I understand you guys don't trust me, but if you want to leave you can. I won't stop you. Just let me know so I can give you supplies before you do." She explained, Tommy looked at her. He examined her eyes, her body language, everything to determine if she was lying or not.

"I believe her." He said simply with a shrug of his shoulders. Karl giggled, Niki exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Right then, lead the way." Karl said, Niki nodded a little and turned back around.

They continued to walk, walkers weren't really seen.

The storm really did some damage to them.


"Ok, lets get going." Sam said, Purpled, Punz, and him were all on their way to find somewhere new and safe to stay.

"There is always my house...but I don't suggest we go there. What do you think Purpled?" Punz asked, Purpled sighed, "I suggest getting out of the city. It would be safer." He suggested.

"I think thats a great idea. What about you Punz?" Sam asked, Purpled had a big smile on his face.

"I say we better get going. The suns going to set soon, and I don't like being out in the dark." Punz said, Sam nodded.

They walked in silence, Punz guided Purpled around any debris and Sam had his gun at the ready, just incase.

"Do you have a map?" Sam asked Punz, he shook his head.

"We can probably get one at a gas station. There's one right out if town. We can stock up there, or sleep there. Either way is fine." Punz suggested.

"Purpled?" Sam asked, Purpled nodded his head, "Sounds good to me." He said.

He liked that he was being included in the decision making. It made him feel equal, like he wasnt disabled.

His parents never let him do any of that. He wasnt allowed to leave his room, barely getting enough nutrients to stay well. Punz wasnt allowed to see him, but that never stopped him, of course.

Whenever his parents left, he would feed, bathe, and practically take care of Purpled like his parents couldnt, or wouldn't.

This went on for years, in secret. Until the apocalypse hit and their parents left them.

It didn't hurt Punz when they left, but it left an effect on Purpled. He always second guesses himself before he says something, he always feels like his blindness is hindering, or annoying to his brother.

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