Chapter 3: Strangers

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Tommy and Tubbo had an easy time adjusting to the family. Though they didn't trust them completely, they still felt safe around them which was odd to them.

"Tommy, let me see what kind of inhaler you have, do you have the box that it came in with you?" Phil asked sqauting infront of the child.

Tommy grabbed his bag and dug through it for the box, sadly he didnt find it.

"It must be at home..." Tommy said sorrowly, Phil's eyes saddened at the boy's expression change.

"Maybe we can look for it, could you take us there?" Techno asked sitting beside his dad.

Tommy shook his head violently, "Bad guys are there." Tubbo said.

"We understand that, but we can help protect you and get there safely. You don't have to worry about that we just need you to show us the way." Phil said putting a hand on the boy's shoulders.

"I can take you, but i don't know how long I'll be able to run for if we're being chased." Tommy said, "And Tubbo has to stay here." Tommy said, Tubbo was shocked about this, sure he knew it wasn't safe and he didn't want to go out there but if Tommy was going he was going.

"If you go I go. Thats that." Tubbo said crossing his arms.

Phil laughed at their shenanigans, "You can both go or one just goes. But both of my sons will be going, so it wouldn't matter, you both would be safe." He said after his little laugh.

Tommy huffed but excepted that Tubbo was going to come with them.

"Cool, now get ready, bring your bags so we can get more supplies. With you two here also our supplies are dropping quicker but thats alright." Techno said to the two boys in his monotone voice.

Tommy grabbed his red bag while Tubbo grabbed his black one. Once Tommy put on his shoes and tied his laces he also tied Tubbo's for him.

Tubbo gets confused sometimes on how to tie his shoes so Tommy does it for him.

They were ready to go.

"Techno, Wilbur, be safe out there. And protect those boys." Phil said at the door, they nodded as Tommy and Tubbo walked towards them.

They could see the height difference between the two more clearly now with them standing side by side, Tommy was a few inches taller then Tubbo, even at 12 years old.

"Alright let's go, also whoever is the quietest gets a chocolate when we get back, deal?" Wilbur said, the two boys nodded their heads as they left the house.

Phil was nervous letting the little ones back out into the world, but he knew that this was their new world, they would have to learn to grow up in it.


"Shit... Nick we're out of food." Karl said as he searched through the empty cupboards.

"Dang it dude, Clay you up for a supply run?" Nick called, Clay groaned, but ultimately agreed to it.

"Heres a list I made, its a bunch of foods, that actually taste good, that don't expire till awhile from now. It'd be good to stock up on these ones specifically." Karl said handing Nick the list.

"Right...Clay grab the hatchet, I get the bat." Nick said scrambling for his bag.

"Aw man, whatever." He said as he grabbed his own.

Nick kissed Karl on the head, "Be safe." Karl said.

Clay hugged George, "Come back soon." George said.

George waved goodbye as they quietly went up the stairs, Karl followed so he could lock the door behind them.

"Please be safe." Karl whispered, they both nodded before unlocking the door and leaving.

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