The Introduction of Ben

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Ben was a 10-year boy, with a fascination for Pokemon. At a young age, he marvelled at the concept of Pokemon for their diversity and mystical nature. Throughout his youth, he grew up studying the local Pokemon in the region of Sinnoh. The nickname of 'Banchee' was given to him, to favour Ben's unearthly knowledge of Pokemon. When Ben reached the age to begin his Pokemon journey, he went straight to see Professor Rowan at Sandgem Town. There he was given his first Pokemon, Turtwig. Sadly, however, Ben was forbidden to leave for his Pokemon Journey just yet. This was mainly due to his lack of experience in the open world and high obviousness to the world around him. So, he waited, until the age of 13. At said age, Ben would leave to go on a Pokemon Journey of a lifetime with his now evolved Grotle. Ben would proceed to go through the gym challenge of Sinnoh. He would conquer the Gyms of Sinnoh, beating Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, and Fantina. Through his journeys, he would catch a Starly, but trades it with a Kaloian trainer for a Fletchling. Ben would however lose to the 6th Sinnoh Gym, Byron. After his defeat, Ben decides to take a break from travelling in Sinnoh and travels to Jhoto. After the ship ride, Ben arrives in Jhoto and continues his journey. He starts by catching Pichu, marvelling at the pre-evolution that Ben never knew of. After about a week in Jhoto, Ben arrives in Olivine City. Olivine City is home to the developing second ice typed based gym and a recent archaeological dig site. Ben wonders around the city for a short while. He explores the Pokemon Center as well as checks out the local attractions. The wonders of the city are wonderful to the eyes of Ben himself. He decides to explore the developing structures and events that were in development.

He first starts with the archaeological site. It was located in the corner of town, where a bunch of professional trainers were digging at the site to find fossils for an unnamed professor. Ben asked around for a free spot to help out, but all the spots were 'taken'. Ben tries finding a spot of free finding for fossils (where he could not be found), but only finds a strange trainer. Ben finds a trainer who is digging into the ground to find potential fossils. Ben asked who this trainer was. The trainer is scared and is knocked back in fear. On his back, the trainer seemed to be a person of similar age whose only Pokemon seemed to be a Durant. The trainer says, "Ah, you scared me. I could have fallen!" Ben replies with "Sorry there, what's your name and what are you doing?" The trainer replies, "A little questionable but okay, my name is Sam. I am a developing archaeologist in training with my partner, Durant." Ben replies with, "Hello Sam, I am Ben. I am a trainer who wants to become a Pokemon Champion with my Pokemon, Torterra." Ben says, "Now that we're acquainted, whatcha doing?" "I am digging for potential fossils, so I can give them to this 'Professor' so I can get a say in my dream to become a professional archaeologist," Sam replied. Ben decides to help Sam with his quest, as Sam agrees. Both Ben and Sam work on digging for fossils for hours, talking and getting to know each other as their Pokemon begin to work with each other. As they get to know each other, the day becomes night. They eventually round off their business and head their separate ways for the night. Ben heads to the Pokemon Center as Sam heads for a nearby hotel. As both Ben and Sam drift off to sleep, they hear small noises in the wilderness of small Pokemon.

When they awaken, they meet up again in the same spot where they met the previous day. As they meet, Ben tells Sam of his current goal, to beat the gym. Sam mentions that despite the two gyms, the current one is out of commission, so only the new one is available to vs. Apparently the old gym leader had gone on holiday and mentioned that the gym leader had been given the title to a rising trainer whose goal was fairly similar. Ben decides to follow through with Sam's statement and decides to go vs and beat the Gym Leader. Sam decides to tag along, despite already beating the gym, to see what power Ben holds as a trainer. Ben and Sam arrive at the gym, to find a rock-based gym where splashes of blue are found in everything. The Gym Leader approaches Ben and Sam. "Hello there, I am Gym Leader Will, and which one of you challenges me to a battle." Ben approaches and says, "I do." Ben goes to shake the hand of Will, only to get a wild burst of energy as Will furiously shakes Ben's hand in excitement. Ben is surprised but willing to continue. One of Will's representatives comes out of a door, he comes out to act as a referee. Ben and will look at the referee as he says, "The rules of the battle are simple, each trainer will use three Pokemon with switching at will being allocated." Ben and Will nod to the referee in agreement and begin the battle. 

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