Sam the Archeologist vs Austin the Ninja Trainer

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As Ben begins to take his position as the referee of the battle. Ben explains that the battle at hand is a double battle where two Pokemon on either side battle each other both Pokemon on either side are unavailable to battle. Sam nods in agreement, followed by Austin. Ben then lifts his arms in the air and calls for the battle to begin. Durant makes the first move by using Iron Defense to increase its physical defence. Croconaw protects Durant by jumping in front of it and using Water Gun to increases the physical distance between the two sides. Frogadier counters with its own Water Gun as Pancham behind it uses Work Up to increase its damage output. Both Croconaw and Frogadier's Water Guns collide at the mid-length as Durant and Pancham both rush in to land their respected attacks. Durant tries to land a Thunder Fang, but Pancham uses its superior speed to jump above Durant and land an Arm Thrust. This does not deal much damage but knocks Durant back toward Frogadier. Pancham then goes rushing in, guns blazing, by using Seismic Toss on the disorientated Durant. Pancham picks up Durant and jumps with it in its arms several meters into the air as it attempts to suplex Durant back onto the ground. While this, Pancham is seemed to being covered by a sea of small green creatures. Durant is landing a series of Infestations while it has the opportunity. Pancham slams Durant into the ground, once again dealing almost no damage. Durant lays headfirst in the ground, fazed by the impact of the ground as it seems to be stuck. Croconaw attempts to rush in to try and help their friend by ending his Water Gun duel with Frogadier but is pushed aside by Frogadier using Round right in front of him. Using a sound-based move right in front of Croconaw causes it to go deaf. Croconaw covers its ears in agony, as it is stunned and immobilized by the deafness of the world around it. In its disorientation, Croconaw is held against Frogadier as it becomes locked in its arms.

Croconaw, despite still being disorientated, tries to struggle free. This only results in another Round straight into its ears. This leaves Croconaw in pain and immobilized once more. Pancham then walks up to the stunned Croconaw and uses a series of Arm Thrusts to deal small yet punishing damage to Croconaw. Whenever Croconaw would try to break free, it just got another Round to the ears, leaving it continuously in pain from its ever-bursting eardrums. It shrieks in pain, "CCCRRRROOOOOOCCCCCC!!!!" Durant hears, but can barely move from being half-buried. Sam looks at the situation in despair, knowing this is a situation he cannot really win. When Croconaw eventually loses consciousness, the process would just be repeated with Durant, leaving Sam with not the outcome he desired. He looks back at Durant, whose butt was pointing to the heavens as it stared into the depths of hell, immobilized. Sam looks down in shame and sadness, almost shedding a tear. He looks at the ground and releases the truth, the ground was not his enemy. It was his ALLY. Sam calls for Durant, "Dig Durant, dig as you've never dug BEFORE!!" Suddenly, Durant disappears into the ground. A moment later, the ground below Frogadier starts shaking. The Pokemon beating up Croconaw stop for a moment. They stop and look around them in fear. They panic as Frogadier loosens his grip on Croconaw. The shaking intensifies as Croconaw regains its mobilization and sneaks off as a massive burst of dust appears from below Frogadier and Pancham. Durant bursts out of the ground right below Frogadier. Atop of that damage, Durant uses Thunder Fang to grab Frogadier, electrocute it, and throw it at Pancham. The two collide and land onto the ground but are swiftly met with Croconaw's powerful Water Gun. All hits collide as both Frogadier and Pancham land in a burst of dust. The damaged Croconaw and Durant approached the dust, ready for their next attack. The dust clears, to find both the Pokemon gone.

Before the two could understand what had happened, both met a swift Slash from behind. Both Pokemon felt the blow and were pushed back. They look back, to find Frogadier standing there. Sam instructs his two Pokemon to stand. The two quickly arise, and in good time as the two narrowly avoid Pancham's Arm Thrust. Durant uses Iron Defense again and Pancham uses Work Up. They all then stand there, waiting for the other's next move. Durant once again makes the first move by sending an Infestation across the ground in all directions. Croconaw dodges by using Water Gun on the ground below it to raise it upward as Frogadier and Pancham jump. Frogadier uses Water Gun on Croconaw whilst airborne. Croconaw dodges by stopping the water stream, revealing the column of creatures hidden in the water stream. The creatures of Infestation are then shot toward Frogadier and Pancham using a Water Gun used by Croconaw as it falls back to the ground. The two Pokemon defend against the attack with a series of Arm Thrusts and Slashes. When Croconaw lands, it uses a powerful stream of Water Gun to push Durant toward the still airborne Frogadier and Pancham. The two ready themselves to counter with their respected moves but lose out against Durant's increased defences as they are both hits with a powerful Iron Head. Although while Frogadier is launched away, Pancham picks up Durant and uses Seimistic Toss. It lands on the ground with Durant in hand, slightly burying it. It takes this opportunity to use a series of Work Ups. It then attempts to pick up Durant and jumps, only to be met with an Infestation. It hits but is ignored as the two are picked up and hurled several meters into the air. Durant cannot move but uses a series of Thunder Fangs whilst pumping out Infestations. Pancham must push through. With the encouragement of Austin, "GO PANCHAM!! YOU CAN DO IT!!"

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