Sam and the Archeologist's Hole

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As Ben takes back his hand, he notices the badge in his hand. Ben thanks Will for the hardy battle as Ben and Sam leave, with Fletchinder and Pichu on his shoulders with Torterra stumbling behind. Sam is wondered by Ben's battle capabilities, as he questions Ben of his many unsee tactics of Pokemon Battling. Ben says, "I just trust in my bond with my Pokemon, nothing simpler." Sam is undoubtedly confused but takes it in and just nods in agreement. As Ben and Sam approached the road that connected to their temporal sleeping arrangements, they shook hands and agreed to meet each other in the morning at the archeological site. That night, as Ben nodded to sleep at the Pokemon Center, he gathers his Pokemon around him. Ben goes to each of his treasured Pokemon and congratulates them on the victory they had achieved that day. As Ben treasured his love for his Pokemon, they all nodded off to sleep. The next morning, Ben goes out to the archeological site with all his Pokemon beside him, to find Sam staring at the archeological site with a surprised expression. Ben looks over, to find a massive opening being found, surrounded by black and yellow tape with trainers also interested in the hole. Ben, rightfully confused, goes up to Will (who was also there looking at the newly opened hole) to ask what is happening. Will explains that after their battle, a trainer had been mining for fossils, to find a massive hole that dictated most of the archeological site. He also mentioned that many trainers had the urge to go in, but the place was immediately taped by the authorities for safety reasons. No one had seemed to enter the hole whatsoever. A professional archeologist was required to enter the hole, to investigate the items that could lie in the hole. A professional archaeologist was on his way but was caught up with another agenda, so he could not come until much later in that given week. Sam, being both curious and stunned, walks up to the Officer, to Ben's dismay.

Sam walks up, pulls out a badge and says to the Officer, "As a member of the Archeologist Worldwide Council, I have the required proof to enter this archeological wonder." The Officer looks at the badge Sam had just pulled out and allows him to enter the hole. Ben is stunned by this, and tries to follow through, but is stopped by the same officer. The officer states, "Sorry, only official archeologists can enter." Ben stunned, steps back as he watches Sam walk into the hole. Sam pulls out his flashlight and shines it ahead of him toward the dark cave, as he lets out his partner Durant, in case self-defence is required. At the end of the tunnel, Sam stops to find that on the ground in front of him, lay two coffins, both marked with "Death of 1879". As Sam bends down to read it, one coffin is busted open to let out the ghost trapped inside of it. The ghost screams, "HEY! Don't go touching a dead man's coffin!" Sam stumbles back at the sight of the ghost, he pulls himself up and asks the ghost, "Who are you exactly?" The ghost replies, "The name is Dick Feelin, but can call me Richard. I was once an epic trainer around these parts, I would roam the lands catching and beating Pokemon after Pokemon. That is, until the accident. I was in Unova, roaming the land in my mid-40s, when, I saw two titans collide in the skies. One white, one black, both dragon-like. They seemed to be fighting for supremacy when one was knocked down and into the ground. This caused a massive earthquake that shook the land around me, evidently knocking several trees over and onto me. Sadly, even with my attempt to escape, I died. My body was rightfully taken back here and buried in respect, as I laid for several years UNTIL YOU ARRIVED!!"

Sam, looking confused, says "There was no need for your life story but, I require both these coffins in the name of archeology. These coffins and your prime skeletons are in peak condition and would advance our knowledge of the Pokemon World. So, if you do not mind, I will be taking these coffins back to the surface." Richard rightfully accused says, "You can't take my coffins, I have been resting here for hundreds of years, and you expect me to just hand myself over. You need to prove yourself to be able to take what's not rightfully yours." Sam replies, "And how do you suppose we settle this then?" The ghost sinisterly smiles, and replies, "With a Pokemon Battle of course! My starter vs your thing. You win, you get my coffins and my approval." "But what were to happen if you were to win," Sam replied. "Your body becomes mime for the taking, allowing for my revival as a trainer once more, at only your expense." The ghost says as he smirks. Sam started to shout in disagreement, "NO WAY!! I like my body, and I do not want to lose it. No DEAL!" The ghost replies, "How bout I throw in my Z-ring, with attached Steelium Z, hm?" Richard shows Sam his bracelet, as Sam stares in wonder. Sam pulls himself back, and replies, "You pull a hard bargain, it takes a lot of effort to get one. Sigh. I accept your terms." The ghost grins, they both shake hands to approve of their ghostly deal, as purple energy flies out in all directions. Sealing it in, Sam's entire life was now on the line.

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