A Fight of a Fright

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Now that they had arrived in Ecruteak City, they slowly raise their hands to see in front of them the glistening city that was Ecruteak City where tall towers rise above the trees that surround them. As the three begin to head into town, they look to find a series of shops but are drawn towards the two large towers sprouted toward the center of town. One of which seems burned down but still standing up right with the other standing taller and firmer than the other.

In between these two towers stood the singular floored yet similar styled of that of the towers, Gym. Ben immediately rushes toward the gym to challenge it but is pulled back by Sam as Austin points out, "Ben, it's been several days since our Pokémon received an update on their health." Sam agreed as he said, "It's probably best to go to the Pokémon Center for rest." Ben sighed, as he picked himself up and walked toward the Pokémon Center with Sam and Austin in front of him.

They registered into the Pokémon Center as they got all their large Pokémon into their Pokeballs as the smaller ones walked up to the counter with their trainers. The three trainers' hand in all their Pokémon as they are all taken to the back room for healing purposes. Several minutes later, all the Pokémon came out in tip-top shape. Afterward, as Sam thanked Nurse Joy for her services, Ben grabs his Pokeballs and immediately runs off to the gym to challenge it.

Ben runs with all his might with Torterra in its Pokeball and Fletchinder and Pichu attempting to keep up with Ben. Ben then burst opens into the gym where Austin was already there waiting to challenge the gym leader. As Ben's jaw dropped, Austin approaches him and asks, "What took you so long?" Before Ben can ask how Austin got there so quickly, Ben sees the gym leader come out a set of doors on the other side of the gym that led to the relax open room.

He seemed not to be too older than Ben, maybe early 20s. He wore gray jeans with a long black jumper with purple streams at the wrist. He wore a long purple scarf that wrapped around his neck several times that ended dangling to his waist, coated in red streaks of paint meant to resemble fire. His blonde hand dangled out over his purple headband as the gym's badge hung on his scarf.

He walked out with an additional towel around his neck as he then proceeded to ask which one of us was going to battle him. As Ben made a puzzled expression, Austin steps forward and into a battle stance. Austin then exclaims, "Gym leader Morty, I will battle you, with all my might and all my SPEED!!!" Morty grins as he steps into the battlefield vaguely outlined into the soft carpet below them.

Ben reluctantly pulls himself into the stands with his Pokémon as he lets out Torterra so they can cheer on Austin and his Pokémon. Before the battle could stand though, Sam walks in surprised into the arena confused and slightly annoyed at both Ben and Austin for coming to the gym. Instead of taking his anger out onto his battle-ready friends, he walks over to the stands and sits.

"OOOW! Don't sit on my hand Sam" Sam then passive-aggressively replied, "Sure Ben. Whatever makes you happy." He says as he slaps Ben in the face as an attempt to calm him, but only injuring him further. Now that everything was in order, the battle between Austin and the gym leader started. Within the period of that day, all three trainers had fought the gym leader Morty and afterward headed back to their hotel for a well-deserved rest.

Once they arrived in their 2-bedroom apartment, Austin relaxed in the shower as Sam found himself half-asleep on his bed as Ben mopped on his couch-bed. Ben sighed heavily, in attempt to get anyone's attention. After several seconds of sighing, each louder and more annoying than the last, Sam finally gets up in a fit and stands in front of Ben stomping his foot in a beat.

Ben slowly looked up to Sam to see him staring back at him with a half-smile on his face. Sam then sighs as he sits next to Ben on the couch. He then exclaims, "Hey, thanks for letting Pichu fight alongside me and my Pokémon today, it was mighty kind of you. I reckon Austin feels the same way by you letting him borrow Fletchinder." Austin then shouts "AHA!" in an attempt to agree with Sam's statement.

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