Ben the Trainer vs Will 'The Frost King'

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As Ben and Sam reach the end of the battlefield, as well as Will, Will throws out his first Pokemon. Out appears an Alolan Vulpix. Ben throws out his Pichu. When Sam first sees the Vulpix, he says, "Awwwww." Alolan Vulpix then proceeds to use Powder Snow, which freezes Pichu solid. Sam takes back his Awwww. Alolan Vulpix then rushes forward at lighting speed and uses Swift in the air to break Pichu out and deal massive damage. Ben is bewildered by this and puts his game face on. Whilst Pichu is in mid-air, Ben calls for Pichu to use Nasty Plot. After so, Pichu follows up with Thunder Shock. The Shock spreads out in all directions, but Pichu is too far away to hit Vulpix. Vulpix uses this opportunity to get in for another Powder Snow to repeat its last combo. Ben notices and gets Pichu to use Electro Web on the ground. This traps the coming Vulpix in a web of electricity, allowing Pichu to land and follow with an ear-piercing Disarming Voice. Vulpix is unable to move due to the paralysis it gets from the Electro Web. However, Vulpix can break free using Safeguard, which protects the user from status conditions. It quickly follows with Swift to break free which also knocks Pichu out of the air. Vulpix rushes into challenge Pichu again with a Powder Snow when it reaches the ground. Ben knows this is coming. Pichu uses Nasty Plot to increases its power, then uses a nasty Thunder Shock. This counters the Powder Snow and is much larger than the last. The moves collide, and stale. Pichu lands, still pushing out electricity as Vulpix moves back to handle the pressure. Pichu's increased voltage overpowers Vulpix's skill as the Thunder Shock overpowers the Powder Snow and hits Vulpix, knocking it unconscious in one blow. Will is forced to bring back Vulpix, and Ben pulls ahead, 1-0.

Will's next Pokemon is sent out, and Alolan Sandslash. Pichu gains a battle stance, seeing that its Health has dropped quite a bit from the first bout. The battle begins, a Disarming Voice is sent to disarm Sandslash, so it can be cornered with Electro Web, and finished with Thunder Shock. As Disarming Voice hits, all Will can do is smile. He calls Sandslash to use, Rollout. Sandslash opens its eyes, and curls into a ball. It then immediately rushes forward, ignoring the Disarming Voice, before rushing into Pichu several times over. Before the last blow, however, Pichu lands a Thunder Shock. This is only brief, before being knocked into the wall by a final Rollout, leaving Pichu unconscious. Ben pulls back Pichu, seeing if it's ok. Pichu's ok but is put to rest in his Pokeball. Will ties up the score 1 all.

Ben decides to put his Fletchling into the battle. Sandslash starts the bout with a Pin Missile barrage. Fletchling easily dodges and takes to the skies. Fletchling follows with a series of Ember to end it quickly, Sandslash dodges multiple times, before going into a Rollout to help dodge. It rolls around the room at high speeds, building up its power. It cannot hit Fletchling however due to its high altitude. Sandslash then hits an inbuilt ramp to try and reach Fletchling. When it's about the collide, Fletchling uses Quick Attack to quickly get around it and follows with a Peck from behind to send it falling. On its descent, Sandslash uses Pin Missile to counter, but a quick Ember pushes most of it back but still takes the damage. When Sandslash lands, it takes big damage from the fall as Fletchling starts firing Embers again. Sandslash uses Avalanche to counter. A massive portal opens, pouring out chunks of snow and ice onto the battlefield. As Ice and snow pour from above, Fletchling is ordered to fly downward, ahead of the chucks. When it reaches the ground, it flies over Sandslash uses Growl on it, lowering its Physical Strength. It then flies straight up to avoid the incoming ice and snow. When it thinks it is safe from the Avalanche, Sandslash appears adjacent to Fletchling and proceeds to hit with Metal Claw without any notice. It lands, as Sandslash used the surprising strategy to climb the Avalanche to land a hit. When Fletchling hits the ground, Sandslash begins a series of Rollouts. Fletchling is hit once, which gives it the attention to get out of there. This does not matter as Rollout still hits even when Fletchling is mid-air. This was because Sandslash used the ice chunks that formed on the ground as ramps, to continually hit airborne enemies. Fletchling uses Quick Attack to help dodge, but only delays the inevitable. Sam stares in wonder, seeing the fighting spectacle of Will's own Pokemon.

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