Chapter 10: Business

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The rising sun bled through my curtains, forcing me to shield myself from the oncoming day

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The rising sun bled through my curtains, forcing me to shield myself from the oncoming day. With a raised palm, I turned around and faced the other side of the room to escape. "Fuck..." I groaned when a searing pain shot through my skull, the reminder of last night's events literally being slapped in my face.

God, why did I drink that much again?

Right, I didn't even know I was drinking to begin with...

Truth was, last night was a hell of a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Hanging out with Vi lifted my spirits, and her open-minded attitude definitely resonated with me on a level I hadn't experienced yet. I felt free with her, like things mattered less when she was around.

Only downside of that was that I ended up getting hammered without intending to do so. Not that it was her fault; I just assumed they served non-alcoholic drinks as well and ended up fooling myself. How was I supposed to know I'd end up vomiting all over the place? And in front of Phoenix, too...

"Shit." I sighed as I opened my eyes slowly, giving myself time to adjust to the dim light. Unfortunately, my head kept hammering with the drinks I've had. Right. I didn't deserve any mercy, really.

My gaze fell upon my nightstand, where a blister of pills lay right next to a bottle of water that had a note stuck to it. I craned my neck, trying to read what it said without having to reach over.

The bus to the airport leaves at 9. Drink this and take an aspirin - you'll need it. Trust me.
See you on board,

Usually, Formula 1 employees drove around in their team trucks as long as they're in Europe. The Formula 2 team truck made some issues this weekend though, meaning important people like drivers and team principals had to scramble into the remaining trucks, while interns and other non-essential personnel got transferred to a commercial flight.

That obviously included Phoenix, Connor, and me.

"Trust you..." I snickered. "Yeah, right."

A glance on my phone told me I had about an hour to get ready, and so I gave myself another minute or so to catch up with my thoughts, letting my mind wander. I laid back on the bed, closing my eyes as my hands slid over my sheets, my fingers mindfully tracing every inch of satin on my skin. The longer I focused on the soft fabric, the more I remembered last night, and especially that one particular moment where I almost lost myself.

Having Phoenix beneath me, feeling his skin on mine, letting his heated gaze burn right into me, it all just came back with a flash. The mere image made me dizzy, and my heart started pounding in my chest as I remembered how I felt last night, and how damn irresponsible that was...

Getting close to him was dumb, reckless, and absolutely impossible. It just couldn't happen — end of story. And yet, we kept running into each other...

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