Chapter 18: Mayhem

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"Oh my god - you what?!" Amara's voice vibrated through my phone

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"Oh my god - you what?!" Amara's voice vibrated through my phone. I pressed it to my ear and turned the volume down, glancing at the two other bystanders in the elevator with me.

"Don't yell at me!" I hushed and spun around, facing the mirror wall. Even the cold shower I took just minutes before couldn't help the heat in my cheeks, and my eyes still glimmered with a flame that was waiting to be reignited.

It was still unclear to me how I ended up where I was right this moment: hot, bothered, and waiting to be kissed. Again.

And, preferably, again.

And again, maybe.

No, definitely.


"So? Now what?" Amara ripped me out of my thoughts. "Do I need to find a name for the two of you?"

I grimaced. "What? No! God, would you please stop jumping to conclusions?"

"No one's jumping anywhere. You kissed him! That's not a conclusion, that's a bright red neon sign telling me you want more of him. More of... Flonix."

"Ames!" My interjection got accompanied by the ding of the elevator, which then released me to the ground floor. "I don't..." I glanced around the lobby as I walked out, making sure no one I knew would hear parts of this conversation. "I don't want more. It's just... Ugh. I don't know what I want."

She laughed. "Wow. Florence Nyx doesn't know what she wants? That's rare."

"Shut up."

"You know I won't. And you love me for it."

"I'm not too sure about that..." I grumbled and opened my umbrella, heading across the street and toward the port next to the paddock. Azure Racing was throwing their annual yacht party, an event most teams planned for their time in Monaco.

It wasn't the kind of party I'd go to back home, not that I went to a lot of parties to begin with. My last name carried responsibility, and that meant keeping a low profile. I wasn't complaining, though. It was just part of who I was. A part I was proud of.

"No, for real, though. What's your plan now?" My best friend was my voice of reason - who would've thought?

"I don't know..." I didn't like how often I said those words today. "I know he'll be at that damn party, so that won't help either. Fuck. This is already impacting my work..."

"No, it's not. You're Florence Nyx, the girl who can do it all."

A laugh fled my lips from the sing-song voice she used. Amara surely knew how to hype me up. "Thanks, Ames. I guess I'll have to face the storm and ride it, huh?"

"Hell yeah you do. There's also something else you could ride..."

"Ames!" I gasped and laughed at the same time. People on the street shot me weird looks, but I ignored them as I made my way through the crowd and toward the port. The blue and red flag of my team already waved in the distance, announcing the wild ride I was about to embark on.

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