Chapter 61: The Chapel, Part 2

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"Oh, you thought I didn't know about your little game?" Sebastian laughed, glancing from Florence to me. "You think I wouldn't miss how my fiancée mysteriously vanished every time I had a business meeting? Or how she's suddenly way too nice for her character? I knew you had something planned. I'm not stupid, son."

"I'm not your son," I spat, balling my hands into fists to release some of the tension built in my fingertips. They were itching to punch him right in the face, especially after I'd seen the way he'd tried to scare Florence and Mom.

Once again, Sebastian just laughed. "Oh, I'm afraid you are. DNA tests don't lie."

"No test in existence would ever make you my father. All you are is an excuse of a man who jumped at the chance to gain some sort of power." I found myself walking toward him, my gaze falling to his hands. They, too, were balled into fists, similar to mine. And it was like that was all it took — the reminder of my relation to this man zapped me straight back to why I was here, what I had planned, and how I was going to do it.

"I hold more power over your life than you know," he retorted.

This time, it was my turn to laugh. "And why is that? Because you think letting the media know about your pretty little DNA test would ruin my career? Hate to disappoint you, Sebastian, but I'm one step ahead of you."

He still carried that smug grin on his face, but I could tell he was struggling to keep it genuine, confusion now taking over his features. "What's that supposed to mean?"

From the corner of my eye, I noticed how Florence led my mother away from Sebastian and closer to me. He hadn't even noticed she'd moved until she was by my side, her hand finding mine and giving it a squeeze. It was her way of telling me this was my fight. My choice.

Shooting her a smile, I then glanced at the door, which had stood wide open since I'd walked in. "Connor, you want to do the honors?"

My half-brother stepped into the room, followed by Amara, who was typing furiously at her phone, not even bothering to look up at Sebastian.

"Son..." Sebastian's eyes widened, but Connor remained unfazed.

"Fuck off," was all he said, a smile playing on his lips. "Amara, you ready?"

She held up one finger before it moved back to the screen to continue typing. "Yup. Just a second... And... Done!"

Silence filled the room, and all eyes turned to Amara. She took her time checking her screen before she glanced up and around the room, her eyes meeting Florence's.

"What did she do?" Sebastian finally asked, wide eyes glaring at Amara.

Amara simply smiled as she broke eye contact with her friend and handed her phone to Connor, who then ‌read out loud.

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